- By looking at 2008 ... the Year of the Earth Rat; you can compare what the Indicators had to say for that year and then weigh their accuracy against what actually happened.
- Then .... look at what the indicators had to say for 2009, the Year of the Earth Ox and see how accurate those Indicators are turning out to be!
- 2010 was the Year of the Metal Tiger: See how it fared ....
- 2011: The Year of the Metal Rabbit begins on February 3rd, 2011.
Bush's Last Year In Office Obama Elected President ↓
| Obama Begins His First Term In Office (Note: Obama was born in an Metal Ox Year) ↓
2008 - The Chinese Year of the Earth Rat In Rat Years; things start out in "deceptive bounty" but; then soon turn into "Poverty"
- Rat years are the "Economic Calm & Speculation" before Financial Storms. "Rat" is a "gambler" and whatever is gained at the beginning or first half of Rat Years is often lost at the end.
- Rat Years tend to see Speculation and people over-extending themselves.
- Also: Rat Years tend to see people being "Acquisitive" with that which doesn't necessarily belong to them.
(Can you say Madoff ? Now there's a Rat!)
| 2009 - The Chinese Year of the Earth Ox
- Ox Years brings the need for Hard Work and the "Yoke" of Responsibility.
- Ox Years bring the need to settle "Domestic Affairs" and the need to "Put One's Household Affairs and House in Order" .
- The Ox Year also brings the Rise of Dictators; and in addition, the discovery that Those in Authority may not turn out to be as "compassionate" as one would like.
- Finally; Ox Years are supposed to be good for "Harvests". So, this year might be a good year for a Vegetable Garden!
Below are the 8 years of the Bush Presidency in terms of the Chinese New Year
Compare the Chinese Indicators with the actual occurences of the Bush Years.
Then ... take a look at what may be coming up for Obama.
George Bush was elected in 2000 during a Dragon Year:
- "Vast Success" & Brilliant Victory over Adversity
Bush's First Term which included "911" was served during a Snake Year:
- "Cataclysmic Events", "Revolution", "Financial Depression"
- "General Upheaval from Treachery"
- "Spending like a drunken sailor"
Bush Invaded Iraq on March 20, 2003 during a "Sheep Year"
- "Political & Financial Ups & Downs"
- "A Last Minute Snatching of Victory from the Jaws of Defeat"
- "The Unexpected"
- "Repercussions from Overspending"
| Bush was Re-elected in 2004: A Monkey Year
- "A Year of Improvisation" when "anything can happen"
Bush's 1st Year of his 2nd Term was a Rooster Year
- "A Year of Disorder, Military Successes & Bloodshed.
- "Disappointments and Conflicts"
- "Keeping the Peace" and ...
- Diplomacy that "Goes Nowhere"
Bush Left Office in 2009 During a "Rat Year"
- "Apparent Prosperity" followed by "Poverty"
- Obama was elected in the Rat Year that ended Bush's last year in office. So in effect, Bush handed off a "Rat Year" to Obama ... and he accepted it.
- Obama's first term in office begins in the Year of the Rat ... as Such, Obama's First Term in Office will be (Overall) ruled by the RAT.
- Obama was also sworn in during the Year of the Rat.
- For Obama, his first term in office begins in the Year of the Ox which began on Jan 26, 2009.
- During an Ox Year, Dictators are said to rise. Is this Obama?
- Or: does this mean Obama will encounter, or; have to deal with a Dictator, before this year is over?
- Or Both?
| The Year of the Metal Tiger Begins on 14 February 2010
- Explosive Events
- Wars, Catastrophes, Massive Change, Controversial Ideas
- Turbulence .... Political Unrest .... Government Overthrows
(Update Note: Well, the Arab Spring would probably cover most of the above)
NOTE: President Obama was born In the Year of the Metal OX President Bush was born in the Year of the Fire Dog
Just FYI: 2012 will take place in a "Dragon year": Massive Waves of Fortune & Disaster ... Vast Success & Brilliant Victory Over Adversity .... Violent Acts of Nature |
NEXT UP .... The Capricorn Ingresses for 2008 & 2009 ... plus: 2011 Year of the Metal Rabbit |
- A colleague of mine has a longtime habit of looking at the Capricorn Ingress to forecast events for the New Year coming up. So the 2007 Capricorn Ingress would forecast events for 2008; and the 2008 Capricorn Ingress would do the same for 2009.
- Given how really "horrendous" 2008 has been; I thought I would take a "look-see" and compare the Capricorn Ingresses of the Past 2008 with the Upcoming (now finally here) 2009.
- So: since space is limited; I decided to "hit the high points" and the info is on the charts themselves:
See what you think →
- NOTE: For 2009 there is an Interception: "A Stalemate" between the 6th & 12 Houses: these houses rule many different things. Most are listed on the chart. BUT: Since the 12 House rules Hospitals, Medicare, Welfare, etc and the 6th House rules "Necessities": This could be an indicator of people having to choose between the "Necessities" and their health care... more so than usual.
Click to Enlarge Capricorn Ingress 2007 (for 2008) |
Click to Enlarge Capricorn Ingress 2008 (for 2009) |
- NOTE: The Ingress Chart for 2009 states, "Huge Financial Growth".
- RESULTS? The Dow has shown a growth of 61% since March of 2009. This is the largest increase of the Market in a single year since 1933.
| Year of the Rabbit: with Capricorn Ingress 2010 (For 2011)
Capricorn Ingress of 2009 For 2010 (ALSO ON 90º DIAL)
2011: The Year of the Metal Rabbit
- A possible "calm before the storm"? Rabbit years mean diplomacy, International Affairs, and ... "L'Odeur de Politques" (POLITICS!)
- The rabbit is a more or less "liberal" animal. Not real strict on laws, rules, & regulations. NOT GOOD for Securing or Enforcing Borders or Stemming the Tide of Illegal Immigration.
- The Rabbit wants to be able to "take it easy". Of course, the Metal Rabbit is made of "sterner stuff" as far as rabbits go. Metal Rabbits are more like Sherlock Holmes than Dr. Watson.
- Metal Rabbit wants and knows the "higher end" of goods & services and will be more discerning in general. He likes the Arts, & Refinements that Culture has to offer. Romance, Culture, Art, Music, Leisure time ... all are Metal Rabbit Pursuits.
- Metal Rabbit likes Privacy ... he likes to be alone with his thoughts ... and he can occasionally ... take on walk on the dark side ... Artistic Types are prone to be a bit "brooding" .... a bit on the "Heathcliff-Wuthering Heights" side of life.
- Lastly ... unless this rabbit feels "inspired" to do so; he is unlikely to take any action.
Capricorn Ingress of 2010 (For 2011) |
Capricorn Ingress of 2009 (for 2010)
- The Chart ruler is in a "death toll" decanate: The Degree indicates: "dark & opposing enemies" with common interests though varying loyalties.
- Elections, Riots, Treaties, Foreign Policy Issues and The Nations of the Eastern Hemisphere
- Nature has some destructive events on the drawing board.
- Troubles with Travel ... flight cancellations, more computer problems
- Aftermath, victims, death and more shooters.
Capricorn Ingress of 2009 (for 2010) |