The "New World Order" .... "The Illuminati" ... "The Globalists".... "The Socialists" .... "The One World Government" ("them", not you); Co-Opting terms like Unity, Peace, Harmony & "Cumbayah" & All Coming Soon, to a Planet Near (& Dear) To You !?!
The "illuminatus".... the "Illumined Ones" ... the ones "smarter than the rest of us" .... the Ones that believe they are entitled to re-organize the world for Their convenience and tell the rest of us (the unwashed masses, aka "the rabble") "what to do" ... and ... "When & How to do it" ... all in the name of "Social Justice" (Communism - Marxism - Fascism .... which ever one gets the job done).
Where Did They Come From? There are 4 Trains of Thought On That
Everything happening in the Current 2014 World... was laid out in a lecture given to prominent doctors in 1969... 45 yeaars ago; but not revealed until 1989.... 25 years ago. Below is a description of the 1969 events surrounding the lecture ... with a link to three hours vid recounting what was in that original 1969 Lecture ↓
It all Depends Upon: Who You Think Survived the "Great Flood" .... (or other Ancient Planetary Disasters)
Whatever the degree of civilization before the flood (see below: Remnants From BEFORE) Various Scenarios are proposed:
One group escaped the deluge & fled to Mars ... waited it all out; but decided to return and re-establish their dominion only to find there were Survivors who wouldn't be to happy to see the ones that "left them to die" in the Disaster.
One group went underground; and stayed there but later decided it was safe enough and wanted back on the surface
One extra-terrestrial group bio-engineered humans; decided to save some and let them re-populate the Earth; but they bred like rabbits, things got out of hand, and so a sort of trickle-down government was established to keep them all in line ... with varying success.
Just some really greedy, selfish, Elitist-Mentality humans; "unable to work & play well with others" (but good at finance & business) got very rich & powerful and decided they didn't want to have to hobnob with the rest of humanity and so decided to order the world according to limit their (The Elitists) exposure the "unwashed masses" but maintain them as a labor force. Once Slavery was outlawed ... then herding them together in the name of Social Justice (under tight control of a privileged class of managers or bosses) became necessary as it became apparent there were too many humans on the planet to control by force alone.
Sub-Category 1:Stressing the Occult (hidden knowledge from the Past) and Scientific Advancement (Eugenics borrowed from simpatico Americans, rocket research, & genetic engineering.... An Elite Governing Entity Emerged as the Nazi Party in Germany & attempted to rule the world under Hitler & the Third Reich.
Sub-Category 2:Post WWII; Operation Paperclip bought Nazi scientists to US to build the Industrial-Military Complex warned of by President Dwight Eisenhower.
Sub-Category 3:Technology Hoarders: Ancient Technology was re-discovered or found and kept among an elite few. Funded by Taxpayer dollars & various illicit operations, but kept secret as "black projects"; a separate society benefits from new advances held back from the masses who unknowingly pay for them. Underground bases support this 2nd" society. (Note: On Sept. 10, 2001 Donald Rumsfeld announced to Congress that $2 Trillion was "missing" from the Treasury)
Time: 1969 .... Place: A Lecture by Dr. Richard Day Agenda: "The New World Order"
Dr. Lawrence Dunegan, a pediatrician, was invited to attend a lecture by a prominent doctor: Richard Day M.D. (back in 1969).
According to Dunegan, before the lecture started Dr. Day told the room of about 80-90 doctors all about a series of changes they would witness in their lifetime.
Recording devices were not allowed in the room and taking notes of the lecture was prohibited.
The speaker ... Dr. Day told the doctors they would be free to speak about his lecture content because everything was in place and nobody could stop them now that the project was underway.
BUT: at the end of the talk; Dr. Day gave the room of doctors an hypnotic suggestion to forget everything they heard... but to be ready for the coming changes.
According to Dr. Dunegan, after the lecture when he asked some of his friends that were in the room what they thought of the lecture none of them could tell them what it was about!
As luck or Fate would have it ... Dr. Dunegan was born with a near photographic memory, and was able to produce notes after he got home from the lecture.
Segue to 1989: Those notes stayed in his desk for more then 20 years until he pulled them out and decided to make audio tapes of the information in 1989.
Was it a coincidence that the lecturer, Dr. Day, died that same year? Was there some sort of subliminal suggestion that kept that Dr. Dunegan from distributing this information that was somehow lifted upon Dr. Day's death?
Tapes one and two were recorded in 1988, tape three in 1991. "New Order of Barbarians" is the recollections of Dr. Lawrence Dunegan of a lecture attended on March 20, 1969 at a meeting of the Pittsburgh Pediatric Society given by one "Dr. Richard Day" who had inside knowledge of...this "New Order of Barbarians"... referred to on the tapes simply as the "New World System."
OR: Just Watch The Vid Here
At the time: The Lecturer, Dr. Day, was Professor of Pediatrics at Mount Sinai Medical School in New York. Previously he had served as Medical Director of Planned Parenthood Federation of America. The Man attending the lecture was Dr. Dunegan; a former student of Dr. Day at the University of Pittsburgh.
The third and final tape of the "New Order of Barbarians" is an interview by Randy Engel, Director of the U.S. Coalition for Life, with Dr. Larry Dunegan was taped on Oct. 10, 1991 in Pittsburgh, Penn.
OR ...
Click Image To Enlarge: NWO Oganziational Chart
Click Image To Enlarge Photo: First Bilderberger Meeting
Click Image To Enlarge Chart: Breakdown of the "Committee of 300"
• B I L D E R B E R G E R S •
The Bilderberg Group or Bilderberg conference is an unofficial, annual, invitation-only conference of around 130 guests, most of whom are well known movers & shakers... persons of influence, in the fields of business, media and politics.
This "elite" group meets annually at exclusive, five-star resorts throughout the world ? normally in Europe ? and once every four years in the United States or Canada. It has an office in Leiden, South Holland, Netherlands. The Hotel de Bilderberg is a hotel in Oosterbeek in the Netherlands where the Bilderberg Group first met in 1954. The hotel gave its name both to the Group and those who participate in its activities called "Bilderbergers".
The original Bilderberg conference was held at the Hotel de Bilderberg, near Arnhem, from May 29 to May 31, 1954. The meeting was initiated by several people. Polish emigre and political adviser, Joseph Retinger, concerned about the growth of anti-Americanism in Western Europe, proposed an international conference at which leaders from European countries and the United States would be brought together with the aim of promoting understanding between the cultures of United States of America and Western Europe. Retinger approached Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, who agreed to promote the idea, together with Belgian Prime Minister Paul Van Zeeland, and the head of Unilever at that time, the Dutchman Paul Rijkens.
The guest list was to be drawn up by inviting two attendees from each nation, one each to represent conservative and liberal (both terms used in the American sense) points of view. The success of the meeting led the organizers to arrange an annual conference. A permanent Steering Committee was established, with Retinger appointed as permanent secretary. As well as organizing the conference, the steering committee also maintained a register of attendee names and contact details, with the aim of creating an informal network of individuals who could call upon one another in a private capacity.
The declared purpose of the Bilderberg Group was to make a common political line tie between the United States of America and Europe in their opposition to the USSR and the global communist threat to their common monetary interests. Conferences were held in France, Germany, and Denmark over the following three years. In 1957, the first U.S. conference was held in St. Simons, Georgia, with $30,000 from the Ford Foundation. The foundation supplied additional funding of $48,000 in 1959, and $60,000 in 1963.
Dutch economist Ernst van der Beugel took over as permanent secretary in 1960, upon the death of Retinger. Prince Bernhard continued to serve as the meeting's chairman until 1976, the year of his involvement in the Lockheed affair. There was no conference that year, but meetings resumed in 1977 under Alec Douglas-Home, the former British Prime Minister. He was followed in turn by Walter Scheel, ex-President of West Germany, Eric Roll, former head of SG Warburg and Lord Carrington, former Secretary-General of NATO.
Daniel Estulin, a Madrid-based author, claims that the long-term purpose of Bilderberg is to "Build a One-World Empire". He states the group "is not the end but the means to a future One World Government" whose ultimate goal is to transform Earth into a prison planet "... policed by a United World Army, financially regulated by a World Bank, and populated by a microchipped population whose life's needs have been stripped down to materialism and survival ... work, buy, procreate, & sleep ... all connected to a global computer that monitors our every move."
Alex Jones, claims that the group intends to dissolve the sovereignty of the United States and other countries into a supra-national structure similar to the European Union or a possible North American Union
Reporter Jonathan Duffy, writing in BBC News Online Magazine states "In Yugoslavia, leading Serbs have blamed Bilderberg for triggering the war which led to the downfall of Slobodan Milosevic.
The Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh, the London nail-bomber David Copeland and Osama Bin Laden are all said to have bought into the theory that "Bilderberg pulls the strings with which national governments dance."
Tony Gosling registered the domain name, and uses the web site to spread his theory that the group's alleged efforts towards a world government are a sign of a biblically-predicted apocalypse.
An Educational Branch of the New World Order UNESCO: Its Purpose and Its Philosophy
E D U C A T I O N: A Modern Method of PROPAGANDA (Social Engineering)
The purpose of UNESCO: "To mentally prepare the world for global political unification under a single world government ... and the use of education by UNESCO, as an essential technique of forming the minds of the young as well as the old.
How & What The New World Order Wants The "Masses" Taught
BERTRAND RUSSELL - 1952: "I think the subject which will be of most importance politically is mass psychology. Mass psychology is, scientifically speaking, not a very advanced study. This study is immensely useful to practical men, whether they wish to become rich or to acquire the government. It is, of course, as a science, founded upon individual psychology, but hitherto it has employed rule-of-thumb methods which were based upon a kind of intuitive common sense. Its importance has been enormously increased by the growth of modern methods of propaganda. Of these the most influential is what is called ‘education’. Religion plays a part, though a diminishing one; the Press, the cinema and the radio play an increasing part."
SIR JULIAN HUXLEY - 1946: As the first Director of UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation), Sir Julian Sorell Huxley (1887-1975) wrote a paper entitled UNESCO Its Purpose and Its Philosophy (1946) in which he outlined his vision for the newly created international organisation (which grew out of the League of Nations’ Institute of Intellectual Co-operation). According to Huxley, the guiding philosophy of UNESCO should be what he termed, World Evolutionary Humanism.
NOTE: Julian Huxley, an evolutionary biologist, humanist, and ardent internationalist held many titles including: Secretary of the Zoological Society of London (1935-42), first president of the British Humanist Association (1963), Vice-President (1937-44) and President (1959-62) of the British Eugenics Society. He was also a founding member of the World Wild Life Fund, coined the term "transhumanism"(as a means of disguising eugenics) and gave two Galton memorial lectures (1936, 1962). Huxley also received many awards including the Darwin Medal of the Royal Society (1956), UNESCO’s Kalinga Prize (1953) and the Special Award of the Lasker Foundation in the category Planned Parenthood - World Population (1959) to name but a few. He is also the Grandson of Thomas Huxley and brother of author Aldous Huxley.
"From this global aim, another principle immediately follows. It is that Unesco should devote special attention to the leveling up of educational, scientific and cultural facilities in all backward sectors where these are below the average, whether these be geographical regions, or under-privileged sections of a population. To use another metaphor, it must attempt to let in light on the world’s dark areas.
The reason for this is plain. For one thing it will be impossible for humanity to acquire a common outlook if large sections of it are the illiterate inhabitantsof a mental world entirely different from that in which a fully educated man can have his being, a world of superstition and petty tribalism in place of one of scientific advance and possible unity.Thus mass campaigns against illiteracy and for a common fundamental education must form part of Unesco’s programme. "Further, a satisfactory common scale of values can obviously not be attained so long as large sections of mankind are preoccupied with the bare material and physiological needs of food, shelter, and health." "On reflection, however, it is speedily seen that a campaign for mere literacy is not enough. It needs to be linked with the general system of education, and, among illiterates above school age, to be coupled with general social education, notably in relation to health, current methods of agriculture, and citizenship. That is why, in Unesco’s programme, literacy campaigns have been merged in a more comprehensive study of Fundamental Education."
"To conclude with a more immediate problem, Unesco is proposing to support further study and experiment in regard to the discussion group method. Every extension of democracy, whether political, economic, or cultural, makes it more necessary to have a general awareness among the people at large of the problems, tasks, and possibilities which confront them. The discussion group, properly led and properly serviced by bodies such as the Bureau of Current Affairs, seems to be one of the most fruitful methods to this end, and Unesco must investigate its potentialities in different types of societies and for different special purposes.
A converse problem is that of Public Relations, notably in government. These are in modern conditions indispensable agencies of adult education for citizenship. But they can readily degenerate into organs of justification for government departments or ministers, and can equally readily be distorted into mere propaganda organisations. The most careful study of their uses and abuses, their possibilities and limitations, from the joint angle of education and social science, is of great importance and considerable urgency at the present stage in human evolution."
"But it would also, we may assume, have to include provision for some new type of higher education for those with quantitatively lower I.Q.s and aptitudes, who yet desire (or are desired by society), to devote some of their post-adolescent period to further education instead of to earning a living. And when the time comes, it will obviously be for Unesco to help in working out the requirements, both in content and methods, of this new type of higher education."
"One other item which Unesco should put on its programme as soon as possible is the study of the application of psycho-analysis and other schools of "deep" psychology to education. [...] This would mean an extension of education backwards from the nursery school to the nursery itself."
The importance of education, especially of the very young was well emphasized by Lord Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) in his book The Impact of Science on Society (1952) [2]. Russell was a renowned British philosopher and mathematician who was an adamant internationalist and worked extensively on the education of young children.
He was the founder of the Pugwash movement which used the spectre of Cold War nuclear annihilation to push for world government. Among many other prizes, Russell was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1950 and, like Julian Huxley, UNESCO’s Kalinga prize (1957).
"What is essential in mass psychology is the art of persuasion. If you compare a speech of Hitler’s with a speech of (say) Edmund Burke, you will see what strides have been made in the art since the eighteenth century. What went wrong formerly was that people had read in books that man is a rational animal, and framed their arguments on this hypothesis. We now know that limelight and a brass band do more to persuade than can be done by the most elegant train of syllogisms. It may be hoped that in time anybody will be able to persuade anybody of anything if he can catch the patient young and is provided by the State with money and equipment."
"Although this science will be diligently studied, it will be rigidly confined to the governing class.The populace will not be allowed to know how its convictions were generated. When the technique has been perfected, every government that has been in charge of education for a generation will be able to control its subjects securely without the need of armies or policemen"
More about Bertrand Russell’s views on education can be found in his article entitled: Mass Psychology and Education.
[1] Quotes from Julian Huxley, UNESCO Its Purpose and Its Philosophy (1946). Preparatory Commission of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation. pdf from UNESCO.
[2] Quotes from Bertrand Russell, The Impact of Science on Society (1952). ISBN0-415-10906-X
Related Articles
UNESCO Its Purpose and Its Philosophy Part 1: World Evolutionary Humanism, Eugenics and UNESCO
UNESCO Its Purpose and Its Philosophy Part 2: The Task of Unifying the World Mind
UNESCO Its Purpose and Its Philosophy Part 4: Guiding Society Through Art and Science (June 9)
UNESCO Its Purpose and Its Philosophy Part 5: The Mass Media Division of UNESCO (June 16)
The theories point toan unbroken, traceable link from pre-diluvian times, of a stream of knowledge which later became channeled into a Tradition in order to preserve its secrets and allow a small group of Elitists to experience a more advanced or at the least "more privileged" lifestyle at the expense & toil of the "The Masses".
So that "we" the taxpayers... end up funding just about everything for these hidden Elites. The Elites lead lives in a world separated from the masses & protected by their vast wealth.
Their minions .... (those lower down on the Elite totem pole) get rich by appearing in the public eye & doing the bidding of the source of their "trickle-down wealth & power".
Politicians for example, that once in office ... seem to end up millionaires though they have no other job or source of income.... but all of a sudden turn into apparent financial "wunderkins" almost overnight. The "public servants" that are supposed to work for the People .... but instead .... work only to maintain their lucrative & privileged positions along with their apparent "Rule Over the Masses".
On trek through the forbidding Matto Grosso region of Brazil in 1925, Colonel P.H. Fawcett, D.S.O., was challenged by native reports of mysterious cold lights in some ruined cities of the jungle. Not only that. There existed, it was claimed, a city still living, inhabited, illuminated at night. Could this really be? Might there be some still surviving remnant of a long lost civilization, which was using "forgotten" knowledge? Fawcett came out swearing he had glimpsed one of these jungle cities. He reentered the region to further pursue his passion, but this time disappeared without trace. Few have ever set foot in this remote area and few have returned. It is a land infested with enormous swamp creatures, wild beasts and even wilder men. This region is generally bounded by the Rio Xingu, the Rio Tapajos and the Amazon.
The existence of devices which provided lighting at night in ancient times cannot be questioned, because so many classical writers describe them. Until 1890, man possessed only candles, torches and oil lamps, and it is easy to think that this was always the case. However, the past use of lighting and electricity must be regarded as an historical certainty.
In Antioch, Syria, in the 6th century, an ever-burning lamp was found with an inscription indicating it had been burning more than 500 years.
And inEngland, during the early Middle Ages, a third century perpetual lamp was found that had burned for several centuries.
In Rome, when the sepulchre of Pallis was opened in 1401,the tomb was found to be illuminated by a perpetual lamp which had been alight for more than 2,000 years. Nothing could put it out, until, in an act of vandalism, it was broken to pieces.
11th century, Kedrenus, the Byzantium historian, records having seen a perpetual lamp at Edessa, which had been burning for 500 years.
Want To Know More?
Again, in the 1920s, Colonel Fawcett was told by natives of the Matto Grosso forest that mysterious cold lights had been seen by them in lost cities. He reported, “The interior of the lofty buildings is lit up by a great square crystal on a pillar. So brightly does it shine that it makes the eyes blink and dazzle. It never goes out.”
BRAZIL In 1601, Barco Centenera, a memoirist of the Spanish conquistadores, described their discovery in the ruins of El Gran Moxo (an island city near the sources of the Rio Paraguay) of a large “electric” lamp in good working order: “On the summit of a 7-3/4 meter pillar was a great moon which illuminated all the lake, dispelling darkness.”
Location: in the Matto Grosso, near the modern town of Diamantino. LAT: 14º S 35' / LONG: 57º W 30'
BRAZIL According to the reports of several researchers during the early 1970s, an underground city, known by natives of the Ugha Mongulala tribe as Akakor, lies deep within the thick northwestern Brazilian jungle. Unknown machines lie therein, as do lights which never go out. Four human bodies have been seen, lying in a preserving liquid. The spot is considered sacred by the tribe.
ECUADOR Natives, who for years have been bringing ancient artifacts to the Maria Auxiliadora Museum in Cuenca, describe immense deserted cities which still shine with a mysterious, cool bluish light when the sun goes down. Location: near Tayos, at the confluence of the Santiago and Morona Rivers—dense and dangerous jungle country.
INDONESIA A village in Irian Jaya, near Mt. Wilhelmina, has a layout of artificial illumination that in brightness is said to equal any system we have in the Western world. Travelers who penetrated this hamlet lost amid high mountains, said they ‘were terrified to see many moons suspended in the air and shining with great brightness.” Other visitors have described these “moons” as 10-foot diameter spheres of stone that began to glow with a mysterious bright light as soon as the sun disappeared behind the tangled overgrowth of the jungle. Mounted on tall pillars, they glow with a strange neon-like light, illuminating all the streets.
Perpetual lamps are found also in Islamic tradition. The secret was apparently universal. The lamps functioned indefinitely without oil or any product that was burned or consumed. Touching them was prohibited under pain of provoking an explosion capable of destroying an entire town.
An Egyptian Light Bulb?
All those Beautiful Egyptian Murals ... Deep Underground .... but;
NO soot on the ceiling from torches.
Just What Light did they use to work in total darkness?
Maybe they had a Light of Their Own?
And, of course .... no way the Pyramids were built with primitive methods & tools. Modern technology can't even build one today.
Here is a first hand report of a cover-up of lost technology in the USA. Dave, who is on my newsletter list, received this testimony direct from the man concerned, Dr William Gorentz, who was personally involved, documented it in a letter to Dave Schloss, who passed it direct to me. Dr Gorentz writes:
I was surprised to hear from someone, asking about my discovery all these years since the U.S. government came to my site and closed us down, confiscating all that we'd found.
To refresh the history; in 1971, I was I was part of an archaeology team from a college in California. A man in southern California discovered a cap stone of sorts underneath about 15 inches of soil on his property. When he had uncovered the stone in its entirety, it measured about 6 feet long by 4 feet wide and weighed about 1900 pounds.
He realized that it seemed there was an empty void beneath the stone, but he was unable to lift it. His suspicion was that he had an ancient Indian burial site on his property. He called the college, they sent four other men plus myself to check it out. We got there and came to a strong conclusion that it was indeed an ancient burial site.
We arranged with the man, for our archaeology team to come out, lift the stone and check out the site. Three days later, we arrived on site and began. We lifted the stone, and discovered that it covered the entrance to a man made underground complex of 4 rooms with a total area about 35 feet by 50 feet with stone walls, beams, ceiling and floor which had actual rain drainage grooves cut in it which led into an underground stream.
Inside each of the rooms, were metallic sheets which later turned out to be a variation of aluminum. Each of these sheets had diagrams of:
The language on the sheets looked familiar, but none of the language experts could decipher them. The best guess was that it may have been a very, very old language. Skeletal remains were about 9 feet in height. We found the skeletal remains of three of these beings.
flying craft,
incredibly detailed star charts,
designs for buildings,
pictures of various surgeries being performed
We also found down there, what appeared to be clear plastic cubes, yet when you exposed them to fire they got icy cold and when you placed them in ice water, they would get very hot.
One of the team contacted the local police to ask if they could guard the site. The very next day, two U.S. Army officers, a major and a captain arrived with 8 army troops and seized the land from us.
Within days, the property was gutted and filled with fresh soil. Overnight, someone broke into our staff office and stole all the pictures and artifacts we'd collected.
When I challenged the army officers about what they were doing, the major looked at me and said, “It would be a shame to have to kill you right here and now."
Nobody can tell me that the U.S. government is not covering up the fact that thousands of years ago there was a very advanced culture in North America.
One of the pictures even showed these men walking among dinosaurs.
Seven years ago, I used the Freedom of Information Act and got nowhere. I even gave them the names of the army officers and was told there were never any officers with those names.
There is a major cover-up taking place, and it's not just the U.S. government, but the New World Order covering up these facts. It is disturbing that true science gets muted and stifled by the government.
Respectfully: William Gorentz, Ph.D.
(lamp Info From "Dead Men's Secrets" By Jonathan Gray)
"Everybody Wants To Rule This World"
The Face of Things To Come?
What's currently In the Works ... Out In the Open ... and "In Your Face" ....
" 'Cause (as PT. Barnum said & Elitists believe) ' ...there's a sucker born every minute' ? "
"Hi, I'm from the New World Order, & I'm Here To Help!"
WHOSE GOT AN ALTERNATIVE IDEA WHAT TO DO EXCEPT RUN & HIDE ? (The praying part still sounds O.K.; It never hurts to Pray!)
HOW DO YOU FIGHT A GLOBALIST DRAGON IN YOUR OWN BACK YARD: HOW DO YOU "OPT OUT" OF THE "NEW WORLD ORDER"? (And take back your food, energy, & manufacturing supplies?)
& MEETINGS.. inItiate petitions. TRY TO SPOT "RINGERS". ...people who who may " talk the talk"... but don't "walk the walk". People who may state positive sounding goals, but; their means for achieving those goals limit freedom & personal options. When things aren't right; learn to "just say no".
.... ONE BRICK (POSITION) AT A TIME. Local political positions of all matter how small or apparently "insignificant". Pay
attention to judicial appointments and judical rulings.
Should Congress Continue To Be The "ELITIST WELFARE PROGRAM" that
some have suggested it has become? Check all their Voting Records. Look at what they do ... not what they say>
MAKE SURE ITS ALL MADE (Not Just Assembled) IN THE USA - FROM AMERICAN GOODS & SERVICES - WITH AN AMERICAN LABOR FORCE. You can always branch out later if necessary.
SOROS: Come to the New World Order ... & be quick about it!
BECK: Come to the Bunker .... Its all over, there's nothing you can do, except Pray, Buy Food, Run & Hide
Question: How many loaves of Bread will a Gold coin Buy if there aren't any on the shelves?
Question: How many gallons of clean water or kilowatts of electric current will a gold bar buy.... if there aren't any?
Question: How do you buy gold coins if you don't have a job 'cause they're all Overseas?
Question: If all the jobs are government jobs (whether you have one or not; want one or not; will the government pay you in gold?
Where are you going to keep all that gold? How do you pay your taxes
with gold? IF, you have any left after the "gold tax" kicks in?
Seqenenre Tao II, Apophis, Hiram Abiff, Abraham, Joseph, Moses, Solomon, Jesus & the United States of America (What Do They All Have in Common?)
George Washington (from Bramley's gods of Eden)
NOTE: This theory postulates that the death of Seqenenre Tao II ... an egyptian king under the rule of the Hyksos was in fact the last rightful King of Egypt and when he died... so did the secrets of how kingship was to be handed down and maintained on Earth. Secrets that proved that the "king" had access to certain information or "devices" of the gods and thereby had the right & ability to rule over others.
The Hyksos king who ruled over Egypt at that time was named Apophis. He and Seqenenre were ingaged in a "war of wills". Apophis wanted the secrets of the Egyptian kings that Seqenenre Tao possessed. Apophis sent spies to learn these secrets and they killed Seqenenre who refused to give them up. His secrets died with him. He was killed while leaving his Noon prayers within the Temple of Amon Re.
His story appears in the Bible but is told under another name; that of Hiram Abif (the King or Noble that was Lost) ... the murdered architect of King Solomon's Temple. But the true story of his death along with other secrets was surreptiously kept alive thru the rituals of Freemasonry; though its real meaning was known to only a few.
It is interesting to note that the rituals of Freemasonry match precisely with the life (& death wounds) of Seqenenre Tao II. (Mainstream historians though, say that he died of war wounds and that was it.) His is the only Egyptian mummy to show such signs of violence. But there is more to the story:
From Egypt ... or; "out of Egypt" also came Abraham whose son Joseph read the Pharaoah's dreams. Abraham came to Egypt at the beginning of the reign of the Hyksos kings... and Joseph (Son of Isaac, the son of Jacob, the son of Abraham) was the vizier to the King of Egypt ... Apophis.
The Hebrew or "Habiru" slaves were working (as slaves) in the turquoise mines near Mt. Sinai. They spoke Caananite & worshiped the gods of Egypt. the story of Moses parallels the legend of the birth of Sargon I, King of Babylon & Sumer. Sargon's "changeling mother bore him in secret" and "set him in a basket of rushes" sealed the lid with with bitumen & cast the basket into the River where it floated instead of sinking. Sound familiar? The importance of Moses' story is that with his going to Mt. Sinai ... the "secrets of the gods" lost with Seqenenre's death (that also granted its recipients the right & knowledge & ability to rule over others) were now acquired anew. So Moses brought the Habiru out of slavery in Egypt and into the Sinai Desert to found a new Nation that received the orders of Yahweh and who were, from then, on to worship and serve only their new "God".
So this newly acquired mandate from God allowed the founding of a New Nation and the conquering of many people & lands. Moses was succeeded by a line of Judges and eventually Saul anointed David who was made King of Israel to be followed by Solomon. Moses' knowledge & secrets were said to be passed down to the House of David which eventually was to produce Yeshua or: Jesus was the recipient of whatever "secrets of the gods" allowed or permitted Kingship on Earth. Jesus (or his brother James) was therefore "qualified" to be a "King of the Jews".
Fast-Forward to the United States of America whose founding fathers were almost all Freemasons. George Washington himself a 33rdº Mason was depicted in full Mason regalia and .... The USA symbols are fraught with Freemasonry Symbology. Christianity also played a large part in the founding of the USA.
The Holy Grail, the Ark of the Covenant, The Spear of Destiny, The Sword in the Stone, The Secrets of the Djinn; Once there was a knowledge base (like the Annunaki ME's) and Certain Devices of Great Power or Energy... of Communication & Transport; that enabled certain men to rule on Earth. Their rule was seemingly "decreed by the gods" . The Chinese Emperors (for example) had to have the "Mandate of Heaven" and demonstrate their possession of it thru their being able to predict the future. Hitler wanted that knowledge and those devices. So it all boils down to this: "Who has the secrets & devices of the gods" or "God". And .... whom does this knowledge now serve?
For further reading: "The Hiram Key" by Knight & Lomas
A classic
.... Alex Jones' "ENDGAME"
The New World Order ... How It All Began ... (This time ...)
From Argentina
Adrian Salbuchi
Part 1
What the New World Order has on their Drawing Board for 2011