- Note: A lot of these vids get closed down ... so don't be surprised if they get cancelled from time to time (especially the interesting ones!)
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Map of Scene & Info |
| Sandy Hook CoverUp - The Full Movie - (This one runs 2 1/2 hours) |
- Hurricane Sandy (HS) made landfall on October 29/30th of 2012
- Sandy Hook (SH) occurred on 14 Dec of 2012
Nibiru: contrast increased - 2009 in Leo |
| "Seen Nibiru Lately?" |
Henry W. McElroy, Jr, retiring State Representative to New Hampshire says Eisenhower KNEW about the UFO's & the Aliens flying them | These are the Skulls of Giants found in Lovelock Caverns and being kept behind locked doors at a museum. REAL giants, NOT "just tall people". |
UFO crash in Germany in 1936 results in America's race to the Moon. Werner von Braun said, "We got it from 'them' " | George Washington saw not "redskins" but, "greenskins" and a map of the future "United States". |
Footage from Peruvian Television: Watch Full Screen at 720 |
This was broadcast on a Peruvian news channel, the video was captured in the city of Guancayo.
Henric Snider Solano de la Cruz shot the video
The Video was shot in May of 2011, but this is an update
Uploaded by Paranormal74 on Jan 7, 2012 This psychic predicted 9/11 years in advance. What he has for 2012 is unbelievable, and obviously he's been right several before. The guy speaks french, but the video is subtitled in English.
- NOTE: He's only had a couple of misses (from this vid; the advent of electric cars actually REPLACING gasoline cars ... his name is not given (not known to uploader); in 1950 (at the age of 10) he predicted man would go to the Moon in rocket ships and walk on its surface. Predicted Obama's Election, nuclear disasters, 2012, The Alien Return, then .... nothing more ....see & judge for yourself:
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- AstralNewzNote: In 2007, The World Chart Trends Page was put up on this site. Under Pluto In Capricorn; this possibility is the main one indicated; which is why the featured image at the top of the page is ... what it is ...(last updates were made to this page in 2009)
Well it won't be long now ... and we'll know for sure Indeed, we DO live in "Interesting TImes"
29° N 54' 09" / 28° W 28' 25" ???
(This guy isn't too great on pronounciation, but; he has done some good work here) | (Hang in there, this guy is discovering this stuff for the first time) |
The Ancient Art of Mapping? ... "Carl Munck Does The Math" ! |
Why the Pyramids & the Sphinx Are Where They Are ....
What Mars Has To Do With It ...
The Poles
"The Real Magic of Numbers"
(Giza was at 19.5º before the Poles Shifted to their present position) [19.5º (N - S) represents the focal point of energies for planet earth - its "power point" ]
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The Mountain of the Dead - Dyatlov Pass incident: Not mentioned in the vid: A note was found near the campsite that said "from now on we know there are snowmen" |
In Case You Might Have Missed This One ..... ←
- When Muslim invaders destroyed the collection of books in Nalanda University in 1193; it took months to burn them all.
- By Contrast: The Egyptian Library of Alexandria took 4 tries to destroy:
- 48 BC - Julius Caesar's fire in the Alexandrian War
- 270 - 275 AD: The attack of Aurelian
- 391 AD - The Decree of Coptic Pope Theophilus
- 642 AD - Muslim conquest.
| TECHNOLOGY: WHAT THE ANCIENTS KNEW ... about Energy Sources - Nuclear Radioactivity - & Space Flight |
Pre War RAF Photo |
Co-Incidence? or; Just a (Swamp Gas) "Do-Over? |
Do All Roads Lead To (or is it "From") China? |
- When the Vernal Equinox pointed to Regulus, (05° Leo), was the Earth's North Magnetic pole (at some point) WSW of Anchorage, Alaska? (The Pole star at that time was closer to Lyrae (Vega): 12,200 BC) - (the Bronze age Pole star was alpha draconis)
- The "Age of Leo" : 10,860 BC - 8700 BC (also known as The Age of Deluge)
- The Sphinx is said to define the time period of 10,500 BC.
From the 1980's: Bill Cooper thought this one could be real,. Either it was done by some major talent ... or; it's the real deal |
AMOCO Advertisement and the Alien, "The Movie": Bill Cooper explains it all. (Uploaded by leelustig on Nov 6, 2011 - From an ATS post:) Cooper says there is an "original" ... he tracked down the "photographer"; from 21 Nov 1988 Issue of Aviation Week Magazine. Question: What was that Eisenhower said about the "Military-Industrial Complex? Decide For Yourself! |
1988 Issue of Aviation Week: The "Waving Alien" from secret military meeting place or base |
- In November of 1988 AMOCO placed a full-page advertisement in Aviation Week and Space Technology magazine headlined "Technology so advanced it will help you answer some big questions."
- On the back was a full-page color photo of an alien head and shoulders with his four-fingered hand raised in a gesture of friendship. Spokespersons for AMOCO said this is a photo of a ten-inch model.
- One NASA employee who received a copy of the photo in the mail said he thinks it is a photo of an alien taken by another alien with a camera provided by a NASA source.
- High quality copies show moisture in the corner of the left eye and thin hairs on the neck. Many people think this is not a photo of a ten-inch model.
- I asked the lady on the advertised 800 number if this ad sold much of their product. She said no, but they got a tremendous number of inquiries about the alien picture. This ad was repeated in Aviation Week and other aerospace magazines, some in even larger format.
- While I was in the Air Force we knew this as "Aviation Leak" magazine; because, much information, when declassified, reached the public through its pages without being released at a press conference. This insured responsible and accurate reporting.
Art Bell's "Area 51" Fly-over Caller ... never heard from again |
- "A 1997 Blast from the Past via Planet Art Bell" (After "coming disasters" - "They" will re-surface since most of "us" will be wiped out & (after which) "They" will be able to establish a more 'manageable & orderly' Feudalistic State ... (gotta get those servants & workers from somewhere) ... "Sig Heil" people ...) | - Now, a guy calls in saying he make it all up, BUT; IS IT SAME GUY? Art wants to know how the hoaxter managed to actually "knock out his Satellite Connection in a manner Art had never seen before?" Yeah, sure he did ...What A talented guy he must be. (Those must have been "magical beans" he spilled, huh?) |
- NOTE: Within 2.08 minutes of speaking, the caller was knocked off the phone line. There was a massive shut down. Next day; Art said they found out what the problem was; Their satellite had LOST EARTH LOCK. That means, it was knocked out of its position in orbit. Co-Incidence? Yeah, sure ....