Movie: "Catching Fire" (Hunger Games #2) Debuted on 22 November 2013
- 22 November 2013 is the 50th anniversary of the JFK assassination (1963) when ... some maintain; a hidden coup took place in this country & a shadow government took over surreptitious control of America.
- Filming for Catching Fire began on 10 Sept 2012. The First Film (Hunger Games #1) was released on 23 March 2012.
- Before the end of World War II; Nazi Intelligence operatives & scientists were brought to America in exchange for information they allegedly had about Russian plans to declare war on the United States.
- One Nazi in particular was Reinhard Gehlen, Hitler’s master spy who had built up an intelligence network in the Soviet Union. “Gehlen inflates Soviet military capabilities in order to inflate his own importance to the Americans. It was at this time that the plans for the New World Order were being proposed.
- The New World Order had been the vision of the Nazis; a prolonged period of controlled peace after a long fought war to keep rogue nations in a political collective under a one-world-government.
- During World War II and after, American elitists who shared many of the Nazi views were champions of a New World Order. CIA director Allen Dulles was one of the chief enablers of Nazi intelligence within the CIA.
- “After the Bay of Pigs, Kennedy fired CIA director Allen W. Dulles, (along with Deputy Director Charles P. Cabell, and Deputy Director Richard Bissell) & stripped the CIA of responsibility for paramilitary operations like the Bay of Pigs ... which he turned over to the U.S. Department of Defense and the Joint Chiefs of Staff, which,(as Commander in Chief) Kennedy could more directly control.”
- The Natives Are Restless: In this second film; a rebellion against political control by the elites in "the Capitol" percolates amongst the districts.
- The Goal of the Capitol & the current 75th Hunger Games (the Quarter Quell) is to destroy all "hope" of rebellion or resistance amonst the "masses" ... resistance to serving & being controlled by a one world government.
- The Hunger Games were originally invented to prevent future rebellions by convincing the masses that all "resistance was futile" & ensure their unquestioning obedience.
The Quarter Quell & The U.S.A.
- In the 2nd Hunger Games Installment, "Catching Fire"; it has been 75 years since "the rebellion" was crushed and the first "Hunger Games" was held. A "quell" being 25 years. ... Catching Fire tells the story of the third "Quarter Quell" and thus The 3rd Quarter Quell = 75 years of "Hunger Games". Once again ... the fires of rebellion are stirring throughout the Capitol and "President Snow" is determined to kill off Katniss Everdeen, the "spark" that has kindled the embers of rebellion (allowing it to "Catch Fire") and threatens his control over his feudal kingdom.
But; the cycle of Hunger Games is a TOTAL of 75 years in the trilogy. So 75 becomes an indicator of a "single cyle". The LAST Hunger Games. Suppose the actual variable is the "75"?
If you substitute 75 years for 25 years; and you refer to the "3rd" set of these cycles ... you get 225 years as a single cycle variable. So now: IF a 3rd Quarter Quell equivalent is 225 years (75 as a quell ... 75 X 3 = 225) ...t It is an interesting co-incidence that:
- AN INTERESTING COINCIDENCE? - If you add a 3rd Quarter Quell to the year of 1776, America's Declaration of Independence: You get the year 2001. The year when Sept 11th saw the twin tower fall and the beginning of the 'surveillance state' in America with personal freedom being traded for the proposed security brought by surveillance.
Then; if you add a 3rd Quarter Quell to the year of 1789, America's official beginning as a Constitutional Republic; you get 2014. The year when Constitutional laws are no longer being enforced while the government stockpiles bullets & fears reprisals from military veterans & constitutionalists. 2014 is also a time of a Saturn-Pluto Reception. The last time we had one was during the American Revolution.
- 1776 (Freedom, Independence Day) + 225 = 2001
July 4th, 1776
- 1789 (Rule of Law, Constitution Effective) + 225 = 2014
March 4th, 1789
1776 & 2001
1789 & 2014
- Additional Note: "75" corresponds to Saturn in the Current USA Solar Return (1789) Chart (20º - 25º Scorpio). In the Dial Chart it says: An airplane goes "dark"; & "an interference with the airwaves". In the Radix Chart, Saturn (at 23º Scorpio 19') is in the 5th House (The Senate).
2 Fixed Stars accompany Saturn: Agena (The Centaur) & Unukalhai (The Serpent's Neck): (Unukalhai) Criminal tendencies.... a rise followed by a fall. & (Agena) blunt speech & friends.
Saturn is also part of a Spear or Lance Aspect Pattern along with the Moon-South Node & ASC-Vulcanus. "Influential members of the public or a female who is influential with the people ... a dividng factor" (i.e. "a female who causes trouble". In "Catching Fire"; Katniss tells Gale, she intends to "stay right here" & "cause all kinds of trouble"
The Lance is formed by Admetos: death of old women, country people in need (mags dies in Catching Fire & the people of the outlying 12th district are starving). Public resistances & hindrances, deaths among the resident population. The possibiity of a power grid going out.
Well, it all happens in "Catching Fire". (The power grid goes out that keeps the Game Area Dome working).... will it also happen in America in 2014?