Click Image to Enlarge World Trade Center Twin Towers |
This Seismic Record gives the Exact Times of Impact: Meaning Damage to the Twin Towers & Their Subsequent Collapse |
Plane #2 Approaching the Towers |
Click Image to Enlarge |
Click Image to Enlarge |
- Plane #1 (first plane) hit the North Tower (Also known as "Tower One", but; Tower One was the Second to Collapse.
- Plane #2 (second plane) hit the South Tower (also known as "Tower Two"), but; Tower Two was the First to Collapse.
The Airlines →
- Flight #11 - Hit the North Tower
- Flight #93 - Shanksville, Pennsylvania
- Flight #175 - Hit the South Tower
- Flight #77 - Hit the Pentagon
American Airlines #11 - American #77 - United #175 - United #93 |
The Twin Towers Before Impact & After Their Collapse |
Click Image to Enlarge Twin Towers As Seen From Above |
Click Image to View Twin Towers After Collapse |
QUESTION: Where did all the mass that was the Twin Towers go?
All that is left of the towers are the holes in the foundation; a small quantity of girders and rubble ....
... and ...
the D U S T filling the air
it was seen to be covering just about everything :
Click Image to Enlarge |
The Pentagon After Being Hit: No Plane is Visible |
Click Image to Enlarge |
"911" Number Coincidences |
- 9-11-1922: Sun News Pictoral (Melbourne, Australia Newspaper) established by Sir Keith Murdoch (Rupert Murdoch's Father).
Keith Rupert Murdoch, AC, KSG (born 11 March 1931) is an Australian American business magnate. He is the founder and Chairman and CEO of News Corporation, the world's second-largest media conglomerate & Founder of Fox News
- 9-11-1991: President Bush the Elder Uses the Phrase: "New World Order" in televised Speech.
- 9-10-2001: Secretary Defense Rumsfeld tells Congress that $2 Trillion dollars is missing & unaccounted for from the U.S. Treasury ...the next morning; the World Trade Center is Attacked.
ADDITIONAL NOTE - Update 30 Nov 2011
- In the newly revealed 20-page memo from FDR's declassified FBI file, the Office of Naval Intelligence on December 4, 1941 warned, "In anticipation of open conflict with this country, Japan is vigorously utilizing every available agency to secure military, naval and commercial information, paying particular attention to the West Coast, the Panama Canal and the Territory of Hawaii."
- The memo, published in the new book December 1941: 31 Days that Changed America and Saved the World went on to say that the Japanese were collecting "detailed technical information" that would be specifically used by its navy. To collect and analyze information, they were building a network of spies through their U.S. embassies and consulates.
- Historian and acclaimed Reagan biographer Craig Shirley, author of the just released December 1941, doesn't blame FDR for blowing it, but instead tells Whispers that it "does suggest that there were more pieces to the puzzle" that the administration missed. The 70th anniversary of the attack is next month.
- In fact, he compares the missed signals leading up to Japan's attack to 9/11, which government investigations also show that the Clinton and Bush administrations missed clear signals that an attack was coming.
THE C H A R T S + Some Dates & Info |
- The Events of 911 were announced in advance, through the Solar Eclipse Chart which preceded it; The Total Solar Eclipse of June 21, 2001. Information on this Eclipse & how it forecast "911" was posted on Lois Rodden's AstroDataBank.
- Here is a direct link to the "Databank" Page it is presently listed on ... you have to scroll down until you see:
"Terrorist: WTC (2001) Reply #11 & Reply #12 - Eve de Alberich" (Click Here) (AstroDienst Forum)OR: Click Here for a Re-typed copy in PDF
The Event Forecast as actually stated, said:."Terrorist Suicide Bombers"
. & listed NYC & WDC as possible locales.
This Indicator forecast the day & the time( within 6 hours of the actual event)
& did so five months in advance.
H O W ? This information was derived & indicated from; The June 21st Solar Eclipse Chart World Chart.W H Y ?This June 21st Solar Eclipse was not just "any Eclipse". It was an Eclipse that was within 10' of the World Axis.
- When an Eclipse occurs on the World Axis; Major World Events Occur that are Life Changing in ways that other Eclipse Events are not; no matter how huge the other Eclipse Events will be locally; it takes a World Axis Eclipse to Change World Events to such an extent as did the Events of "911".
This particular Solar Eclipse indicated an "End to "Peace & Prosperity". The World is still dealing with its AFTERMATH to this day.
In the USA Natal Chart: The Mars/Uranus Midpoint is at 44º 57'. Thus the June 21st Eclipse of 2001 strongly & specifically, affected the USA Natal Chart . Mars/Uranus indicates: "Sudden Attack or Injury".
H I S T O R I C A L L Y ?
Prior to "911": The most recent of such Eclipses was: The Solar Eclipse of: Feb. 26th 1979 at 07º Pisces 30'.
- At 67º 30' on the Uranian Dial ... this Ecipse was
Exactly conjunct the World Axis thru the Semi-Octile.
- Under this Solar Eclipse of 2-26-1979;
Saddam Hussein became the President of Iraq on July 16th, 1979
- Thus; in the Prior World Eclipse Sadaam Hussein becomes the President of Iraq; & later becomes a "player" with Iraq a "staging area" for the events that were to play out in the Successive World Eclipse that heralded "911".
Between the 1979 Solar Eclipse & "9 1 1": There have been only "2" Eclipses conjunct the World Axis:
BUT... they were Lunar Eclipses NOT Solar Eclipses.
- July 6, 1982 - 14º Capricorn 24' - Also conjunct the World Axis; but to a much Lesser Extent:
- Pan Am 727 Jet (Flight #759) crashed in Kenner, LA killing all 146 aboard and 8 more on the ground.
- Floods & mudslides killed 299 in Nagasaki, Japan
- The Chicago Tylenol (potassium cyanide laced) killings
- November 29, 1993 - 67º Gemini 31' - Once Again, conjunct the World Axis but while stronger than that of 1982; NOT the same as a Solar Eclipse in effect. Being semi-octile the Aries axis: During this Lunar Eclipse Period:
- Elian Gonzalez was born
- Nafta passed Congress
- The European Union was established
First: The Dial & Radix Charts of the June 21st, 2001 Solar Eclipse |
Click Image to Enlarge |
Click Image to Enlarge |
Radix Chart of Solar Eclipse: 6/21/2001 |
Radix Chart - Solar Eclipse World Chart: 21 June 2001 (Click on Chart to Enlarge) |
Eclipse Paths CAN indicate the areas they will affect by the Path of their Shadows falling upon the Earth... but this is NOT one of them.
To the Right ... →
Is the Eclipse Path of the Total Solar Eclipse of "911". It passes nowhere near New York City.
The method for determining all the events that occur during an Eclipse depends upon more than only the Path of its Shadow.
Eclipse Path: Total Solar Eclipse - 21 June 2001 |
The Radix World Last Quarter Lunation Chart of 9-10-2001
- The Event Chart for the First Airplane Impact
Last Quarter Lunation of 10 Sept 2001 (Click Chart To Enlarge) |
Click to Enlarge 911 Event Chart |