The Tornado was an F-2. There was only 8 minutes of warning. The tornado stayed on the ground for 20 minutes and left most of Downtown Atlanta's streets, layered in glass from the buildings above. Fans in the Georgia Dome said the dome was actually lifted into the air at one point.
In the Above Dial...the Purple Star is a placeholder for the Midpoint of Admetos / Poseidon:
Admetos / Poseidon = Pluto "The Development of Atmospheric Changes"
The combination of: Mars-Cupido = Sun-Venus - A "Sports Team" ("a working team or crew of brothers") is at 23º 32'....semi-Octile a "Sports team is also caught up in the "Atmospheric Changes"
Click Image to Enlarge Radix Chart of Atlanta Tornado
On the Left is the Radix Chart wheel for the Atlanta Tornado Event