- My Forecast is at the Bottom of the Page Under #5 " Endgame? " - |
All the Charts containing any Obama Data are now correct. BUT... Obama's Birth Certificate was NOT the original, it was photo-shopped from the certificate belonging to his half-sister. I have also posted a Kenya Chart for Obama on the Obama Central Page; but the chart data here is from the Supposed Birth Certificate. |
- The USA Natal Chart on Election Day [Natal & Solar Arc]
- The Lunation Week Chart for the World Chart that contains the Election Day with a Focus on Washington, D.C. & the White House
- The Candidates Natal Info: The Natal Presidential Indicators
- Inauguration Day
- Endgame
The USA Natal & Solar Arc Chart on the 90 Degree Dial - Inauguration Day with McCain & Obama "To be the President" positions (Natal & Solar Arc) |
Click on Image to Enlarge USA Dial |
Below is the Lunation Week Chart for the World Chart containing the Election Day. By "plugging in" the Candidates, the States they represent as Senators, & the Political Party they belong to;
we can tell...by where the World Chart places its Indicators...how each Candidate may fare in the ↓ Presidential Election ↓
Click Image To Enlarge World New Moon Election Lunation Chart |
Election Day - USA Natal Republicans
- A battle for the World
- The Truth is Brought to Light regarding a Deception
- The Military Nation or the Public & the Military
- The Republican Party Itself
- A Political Deal-making Group Makes the News
- Ethics Issues
- Success
- A Religious Leader or the Pope himself
- A Political Machine, A Great Battle
- A Strong Focus
| Election Day - USA Natal Democrats
- A Major National Political Party
- A Major Cultural Group or Community
- A Major Metropolitan City
- Unpleasant Connections or Associations
- Slander or mudslinging
- A possible exposé
- An Interruption
- A Crisis puts more on their plate
- A very difficult atmosphere
(This could indicate weather problems for the Democrats on Election Day - or this could also relate to the general mood)
Click Image to Enlarge Chart |
Election Week New Moon Lunation 90 degree Lunar Compass Dial with Transits for Election Day |
At the end of this page is my own forecast for the election on Inauguration Day.
This Lunation Week Dial with Election Day Transits indicates Obama might be the winner. If you put the Lunar Compass on "To Be the President" ... Obama's Natal MH (Honolulu) is 17' wide of an exact semi-octile. 17' is wide, but; if his birth time is not exact?
The Dial also shows McCain's Natal Vertex is 09' shy of a conjunction with Transitting Uranus. Transitting Moon is Octile the Transitting Saturn/Uranus Midpoint. Moon-Uranus indicates a Huge Upset. But, Saturn/Uranus = Moon indicates a "departing".
Might something happen between Election Day & Inauguration Day?
Is Obama's Chart really his chart? Is McCain's accurate?
It ought to be one "Amazing Election!"
3. The CANDIDATES - Natal Presidential Indicators |
McCain & Obama's Presidential Indicators on the 90 Degree Dial |
Click Image to Enlarge Obama Natal Dial |
Click Image to Enlarge McCain Natal Dial |
Click on Image to Enlarge Dial |
Midheaven: 28ºScorpio 24' Vertex: 12º Virgo 54' Prez Pattern: 11ºTaurus 12'
OBAMA Solar Arc
Midheaven: 14º Capricorn 48' Vertex: 28º Libra 48' Prez Pattern: 27º Gemini 06'
| McCain Natal
Midheaven: 16º Cancer 20' Vertex: 18º Virgo 48' Prez Pattern: 06º Gemini 31'
McCain Solar Arc
Midheaven: 27º Virgo 42' Vertex: 00º Sagittarius 11' Prez Pattern: 18º Leo 02'
(4) Inauguration Day, The Governing Solar Eclipse & the Candidates |
Click Image to Enlarge Governing Solar Eclipse Election Chart |
" E N D G A M E " |
Note: The above is how the charts read ... we shall see |
Well, I called it wrong: It's my first time to be "officially wrong" so I'm a little "new to this" BUT: Here's my take on the chart results thus far: →
Use these charts to follow events leading up to Inauguration Day as they will be good study charts:
- McCain, for example, did file a lawsuit in Virginia before or on Election Day to ensure that 10,000 Military Votes were not thrown out. They were late because no one mailed the ballots to the Troops. The lawsuit was upheld and the votes/ballots were ordered "preserved" by the courts. So this fits with a "contested confirmation".
| Either:
- The Charts are incorrect: This can only refer to Obama's chart or McCain's Chart (their Birth times or Places) as the Lunation & Electional Charts & their data are correct.
- I Made a Mistake: "It Could Happen" ... (there's a first time for everything).
- Something may occur between now & Inauguration Day. (EX: The Berg Lawsuit is still pending through Justice Souter's Court...or something else)
I'm leaving all the charts up including the Event Charts when Obama & McCain accepted their Partys' Nominations. These are going to be the best charts as they are absolutely correct & exact and do not depend on Individual Birth times.