John McCain accepted his Party's Nomination for President:
DATE: 4 Sept. 2008 TIME: 09:15:54 PM CDT PLACE: St Paul, Minnesota's XCEL Center: 44º N 56' 41" / 93º W 06' 08"
(the above are the coordinates within the Xcel Center where the RNC was actually held)
| Sarah Palin Accepts Her Party's Nomination for Vice President:
DATE: 3 Sept. 2008 TIME: 9:31:54 PM CDT PLACE: St. Paul Minnesota's XCEL Center
← Coordinates to the left
John McCain's Natal Chart 9:00 AM Birth Time →
Click Image to Enlarge John McCain Natal Chart |
UPDATE: 05-10-2008
John McCain appeared on TV with his Mom for a Mother's Day spot. His Mother recounted events the Day McCain was born. She said: "He came along about 11 AM".
To the Right is a the Chart for that time
Click Image to Enlarge John McCain Chart with time from his Mother s TV comment |
JOHN McCAIN - The Basics
- Born John Sidney McCain in the Panama Canal Zone, John McCain's father & hsi Grandfather were both Admirals in the Navy. McCain's father commanded all the U.S. Naval forces in the Pacific. McCain spen his youth moving between naval bases.
- McCain graduated from Annapolis in 1958, trained as a Navy Pilot and volunteered for combat duty when the Vietnam War broke out. He flew carrier planes on low-altitude bombing missions in North Vietnam.
- McCain was shot down over Hanoi on October 26, 1967 (during his 23rd mission) and spent 5 1/2 years in various prison camps ... repeatedly beaten and tortured ... he spent 3 1/2 years in solitary confinement.
- McCain was released in March 1973 with other American POW's 2 months after the Vietnamese cease fire went into effect.
- Upon learning whose son he was; McCain had been offered early release, but McCain refused. He didn't want to be used for propaganda purposes, didn't want to desert his fellow captives and he didn't want to violate the military code of conduct... so...he continued to suffer. But, he did spend his time helping a fellow captive regain the use of his arms and hands. Massaging them constantly until finally, the paralyzed limbs began to function. McCain himself still cannot lift his own arms above his head.
- McCain wernt through 9 months of rehab and returned to duty...but his injuries had left him permanently impaired and he could no longer advance in the Navy.
- He went into Politics in 1977, assigned as the Navy's liason to the U.S, Senate. In 1980 he married Cindy Hensley ... his 2nd wife ...and moved to Phoenix, Arizona.
- McCain won his first elected office in 1982 to the House of Representatives.
| John McCain
The following is what the Natal Chart indicates is "Fated" for John McCain [I am currently leaving out many of the indicators having to do with his time as a POW and am listing the general highlights:
- To undergo a total change & transformation
- To be the topic of conversation
- Pleasurable social contacts
- To gain popularity quickly
- Having to be silent with shame & hidden thoughts
- Connected in love & friendship with few...but true & deep love and friendship with those few.
- Reserved in demonstrating his feelings. But connected with a few in faithful love and friendship.
- In terms of the "World at Large"; McCain has an indicator that can indicate a President of the United States. That indicator is within 07 minutes of the World Axis.
- In particular, it is an indicator of a "President in War Time"; or in a time of War. This indicator is is also a "Fated Indicator" and it reads like this in the Natal Chart:
FATED: A startling Sudden Change & Transformation wherein the relationship to the World-at-Large suddenly encompasses new conditions; conditions that both McCain & the World must adapt to. An extraordinary transformation into: the "Commander in Chief"
- The Keating Five - One of 5 Congressmen investigated on ethics charges for trying really hard to help Charles Keating (a convicted racketeer) after he gave them large campaign contributions and vacation trips. Keating had a Savings & Loan that collapsed costing taxpayers $3.4 billion. But, his convictions were overturned because jurors had heard about his earlier state convition because Judge Lance Ito (of O.J. trial fame) messed up on the Jury instructions. Keating ahd given McCain $112,000 in contributions. And, in 1980's McCain made at least 9 trips on Keatings airplanes ... 3 of those "trips" were to Keatings Bahamas Retreat. AND ... McCain's wife & father-in-law were the largest investors (to the tune of $350,000) in a Keating shopping center.
- In 1995, McCain sent his regrets to Joseph (Joe Bananas) Bonano...head of the Bonano crime family, who had retired to Arizona. Someone else who sent regrets was Governor Fife Symington who was convicted of 7 felonies relating to fraud and extortion.
- McCain's first marriage broke up due to his adultery, his wife Cindy (daughter of a Budweiser Beer distributor) was addicted to prescription narcotics and stole hard drugs from a medical charity she ran.