UPDATE: 07 Nov 2011
Dr. Conrad Murray found guilty of Involuntary Manslaughter at: 1:17:54 PM PST in Los Angeles, Calif.
(866 days after Michael Jackson's Demise)
[ Link To Michael Jackson Main Page)
| 11-07-2011: Current Conjecture runs rampant:
- Was Murray hired to "keep Michael in line"?
- Was Murray hired to "see that Michael wouldn't make his tour, due to fears he wasn't up to the performances"
- Was Murray, "just too cavalier, too careless an individual for a job that was illegal/irresponsible to begin with"?
3 September 2009: "Laid To Rest" |
Latest Updates at the Top
UPDATE - 08-24-2009iT'S OFFICIAL ... Michael Jackson's death is ruled a
Death as a result of:
lethal levels of propofol THE HOW ? AND THE WHY ?
T\Here is the How according to Dr. Murray:
- Dr. Murray decided that he would "wean Jackson" off his dependency on propofol.
- Dr. Murray had been giving Jackson 50 mg of propofol (Jackson referred to it as his "milk") every night in an IV drip; then started to lower the dosage to 25 miligrams and adding 2 additional sedatives (lorazepam & midazolam). This combo worked for 2 days running .... so:
- On the 3rd night, Dr. Murray decided to skip the propofol and just use the 2 sedatives.
- Now we come to 1:30 AM on June 25, 2009: That's when Dr. Murray gave Jackson a 10 mg dose (tab) of Vallium.
- Next, at "around" 2:00 AM ... Dr. Murray gave Jackson a 2 mg injection of lorazepam.
- Then, at "around" 3:00 AM ... Dr. Murray gave Jackson 2 mg of midazolam
- "Around" 5:00 AM: the lorazepam dose was repeated
- "Around" 7:30 AM: the midazolam dose was repeated
- But Michael still couldn't sleep
- At 10:40 AM Dr. Murray says he "gave in" to Jackson's "repeated demands for propofol" and gave Michael 25 mg of his "milk" ... propofol ... and Michael finally fell asleep; for what was to be the very last time.
- Dr. Murray says he watched Michael for "about" 10 minutes, then went to the bathroom for no more than 2 minutes. He returned to find that Michael had stopped breathing. This would have been no later than 10:52 AM PDT on June 25th, 2009.
- Michael would have "passed away" ... according to Dr. Murray;
between 10:50 AM and 10:52 AM PDT.
- NOTE -1: At 9:22 PDT AM (see July 28th update posted below) Dr. Murray was already having his Houston, Texas storage unit "cleared out" of "certain items" ....
- NOTE -2: Michael's body was covered in bedsores... said to be present since 2005 when he took to his bed for extended periods of time (probably not moving if under the influence of drugs) during his trial for allegations of child abuse.
- NOTE -3: The last Doctor to treat Michael before Dr. Murray's "ministrations" was his plastic surgeon.
Rumours Abound
- Michael's former attorney and Jackson Family Attorney "Rowe" (along with many members of the Jackson Family) believe that Michael was worth more dead than alive to Concert Promoters who ... the family believes ... took out a several million dollar insurance policy on Michael in the event of a drug overdose.
- Rowe also maintains that the Concert Promoters took over and controlled Michael's life and kept him isolated from his family.
- Meanwhile ... the Jackson family wants control of Michael's estate and believe his will should be ignored as it was from 2001 or 2002 and Michael was under the influence of drugs and went into re-hab just after making the will.
- They claim that if Priscilla Presley and her daughter Lisa Marie, (Michael's ex-wife) control Elvis' estate ... and if Yoko Ono control's Lennon's estate; then why can't they control Michael's? So what if Michael had a will that wanted things to go another way?
- They also maintain that Joe Jackson, Michael's father is a "wonderful father" and that Katherine (Michael's mother) lives with Joe and/or he has full access to her house at all times.
| Meanwhile ... there is this:
Update: 08-03-2009
- The "SUN" is reporting that : While Michael slept under the influence of the Diprivan administered to him by Dr. Murray .... somehow, he woke up. Maybe the drip had run out and Dr Murray wasn't monitoring him.... maybe ... who knows; but Jackson woke up and Dr. Murray apparently was in the habit of sleeping while Michael's drip was operating.
- Jackson woke up and asked one of his aides to give him some Demerol. The aide did as requested and the Demerol ... on top of the Diprivan/Propofol did him in.
? ? ? ? ? ?
This sounds like one of those:
"Do You Believe Me or Your Lying Eyes?"
FOUND at the scene (as revealed by a photo of the bedroom)
a manual oxygen pump alcohol pads for cleaning injection sites a roll of surgical tape a box of latex gloves
a bedside table with a phone (Murray had claimed there was no phone nearby Michael for calling "911") prayer beads an incontinence pad a homemade tourniquet
oxygen bottles were also in the room, but not that particular photo
UPDATE: 07-28-2009
According to TMZ, police believe Dr. Conrad Murray gave Propofol (Diprivan) to Michael and that is how he died: HOWEVER .... THERE IS A BIT MORE TO THE STORY:
Dr. Murray became Michael's physician in May and was to go with Michael to the London concerts which were to start in July.
At some point after Midnight on June 25th, 2009 Michael couldn't sleep. Apparently Michael had an ongoing practice of using Diprivan in order to go to sleep. Instead of "hitting the pillow", Michael "hit the Diprivan". Supposedly, that is actually when Dr. Murray started Michael on a Diprivan IV ... so he could go to sleep.
- Michael used Diprivan to keep himself asleep until whatever "wake-up" time he designated. Then whatever "doctor was in charge" would monitor Michael during his "sleep period" ... make sure he was breathing ... and when the appointed "wake-up" time rolled around; stop the IV drip that was keeping Michael asleep and make sure Michael was awake.
- During his "Diprivan IV Sleep Periods"; a constant drip of the drug was needed to actually keep Michael asleep. At the same time; equipment to ensure be was maintaining his breathing had to be available ... and ... the oxygen "at the ready" to administer in case he stopped. Diprivan could depress breathing.
- A pulse oximeter is used to monitor the amount of oxygen in the blood and if Michael's breathing were to slow too much; an alarm would sound. BUT: NO SUCH DEVICE WAS FOUND AT THE HOUSE.
- Also: an EKG is supposed to be used to monitor the pulse rate should it drop too low while on the Diprivan. Then to an alarm would sound it Michael's pulse rate dropped too low. Again: NO EKG WAS FOUND AT THE HOUSE.
- Michael had 3 tanks of oxygen in his bedroom and 15 more oxygen tanks in a room reserved for a security guard.
- Police found Diprivan (and other drugs) an IV line and 3 tanks of oxygen in Michael's bedroom.
Weird Timing
- Dr. Murray had 911 called at 12:21 PM ... saying he had found Jackson about 30' earlier. Yet; at Dr. Murray's storage facility in Houston, Texas; while it was still 9:22 AM in Los Angeles ... 2 employees of Dr. Murray picked up between 3 and 5 boxes and got nervous when the manager wanted to know who they were and why they were there.
- Was Dr. Murray just an incompetent cardiologist?
- Was Dr. Murray careless?
- Did he just fall asleep and forget to wake Michael up ?
- Why was there no monitoring equipment in the bedroom?
- Did someone just ... not monitor Michael at all?
- Who Didn't and Why Didn't Anyone "Wake Michael Up"?
NOTE: 07-31-2009 - The coroner's office has once again delayed releasing the results of their report on what caused Michael's death.
[Click Image to Enlarge] →
- According to ABC News, these are photos of Michael Jackson's legs taken in 2002. The appear to be covered in needle punctures. The expert who examined the photos says that there appears to be necrosis from possible contact with a highly acidic fluid that burnt the skin and turned it black (dead) with possible ulceration underneath.
- Vitiligo was also present, as was what appears to be the use of a de-pigmenting agent on certain areas of his body to help even the tone. Its use causes the skin to become very, very white. Vitiligo doesn't do that. It usually produces patches of discoloration.
- The condition of Michael Jackson's legs from 2002 ... appears .... appalling. One wonders how much pain he may have been in on a regular basis. But, which came first? The condition of his legs suggests they became this way as a result of IV Drug Addiction.
ABC Photos of Michael s Legs from 2002 |
UPDATE: 07-11-2009
LaToya Jackson is saying its Murder.
So is the LAPD, in that they are keeping the Jackson case open as and investigating it as: a Homicide.
The accusations maintain that:
- $2 Million was missing from Jackson's rented home when he died.
- That Michael himself thought his life was in danger and that certain parties would not stop at killing him to "get their hands on his music catalogue"
- That Michael Jackson was being controlled by a group of nefarious doctors and/or other types who were all working together to keep him confused enough so they could access his wealth.
- That Michael's body showed evidence of long term IV drug use. Michael's former "plastic surgeon" (who Debbie Rowe worked for) says that Michael had been on Diprivan to help him sleep after the methamphetamine kept him "up" so he could function when he needed to. Veins in his arms had collapsed and bruising evident of long term use was present.
- Note: Michael was also being treated for Arthritis. Being a dancer and having to be "limber" would have been very difficult for him.
That's "One":
Here's "Two":
- In the "Welcome to the Weird" Category; turns out that Geraldo Rivera's son is marrying the daughter of the Doctor who examined Jackson for his 1993 pedophilia case that ended in a several million dollar payoff for the boy on the condition that the case not go to trial. This Doctor's job was to verify if all of the accuser's claims and "intimate info" about Michael Jackson's "private parts and body" were accurate.
Turns out ... they were.
- Michael Jackson was being treated for Lupus as well as Vitiligo. Lupus is an auto-immune disorder that was partly responsible for the deterioration of the skin on Jackson's nose and other areas.
- Also, Jackson was apparently trying to get his skin to lighten in order to be "one color" in the areas where the Vitiligo had already given him a "patchy dark/light" appearance.
- Michael Jackson's "private areas" were very unusual in appearance and had very distinguishing features due to the patterns of discoloration.
Patterns which his accuser could describe .... and according to this examining Doctor:
- It would NOT be "usual" for a child to be that familiar with certain specific aspects of a grown man's genitalia.
This Plot Is Thickening "BigTime" |
UPDATE 07-06-2009
- When Paris-Michael was seven; she got sick and Michael asked his security detail if they new a "concierge doctor" who could come over. They recommended Dr. Conrad Murray
- Murray ran a practice in Las Vegas & another in Houston. He also made house calls to high profile clients in Vegas, Washington, & New York.
- Apparently clients liked him because he had the right "politically correct manner": "holistic, calm, apparently spiritual, 'loving'" ....
- It was the "right sort of personality" that prompted Michael to invite Dr. Murray to tour with him (according to Murray's attorneys, they termed it "that friendship")... and in May, Murray signed on to be Michael's official personal physician for the fee of:
$150,000 a month
... for the duration of the 50 concert Tour in London. Murray says he is still owed $300,000 according to his attorneys.
- Michael wanted to be surrounded by love and support. If he judged character based upon "an agreeable personality" .... ????
- Dr. Murray joined the Freemasons 3 years ago which seemed to have initiated his new jet-setting practice through its network.
- Yet, despite his booming business, Murray's clinic in Houston was in a lower middle class neighborhood and losing big money. His patients couldn't afford to pay him and Murray couldn't cover the costs so he took out loans to cover the overhead.
- A noble aspiration ... to help clients that couldn't pay .... and he needed the money Jackson could pay him for the tour.
But .... this story is still developing ..... [the above info is from Fox News]
Question: A Cardiologist who has an "International Special Clientele" after joining the Freemasons (shades of "Eyes Wide Shut" ... they needed a doctor too!)
and yet he couldn't cover his overhead and wasn't board certified ... nor was he licensed to dispense or obtain certain classes of narcotic drugs ... what else is going to come out?
- MORE: Jackson is being buried without his Brain. The brain is still having toxicology tests done to determine just killed Michael Jackson.
UPDATE 07-01-2009 What TMZ is Reporting:
Jackson's House was full of drugs.
One of them turns out to be Propotol (brand name Diprivan), only administered with an IV. A regeistered nurse has reported that Jackson once "begged her for Diprivan". He wanted it for his insomnia. She said "no".
Diprivan is an anesthesia before surgery. One of its major side effects is cardiac arrest should it be taken in combination with narcotic painkillers... but it is strong enough to stop the heart all by itself.
This drug is only available to medical personnel. It is not conceivable that this drug can be legitimately prescribed for home use.
QUESTION: What was this doing at Jackson's House? Will the toxicology report show any of this drug in Jackson's system?
UPDATE - 06-29-2009 Michael weighed .... 112 pounds and he was 5Ft. 10' tall.
- When he died he had only pills in his stomach ... no food.
- His hips, thighs and shoulders were covered with needle wounds
- He had a mass of surgery scars ... probably at least 13 cosmetic operations
- He had lost almost all his hair. He had only a bit of "peach fuzz" on parts of his scalp.
- There were 4 needle marks above his heart from attempts to revive him at the end.
- Bruising on his knees and shins, cuts on his back.
- The bridge of his nose was gone and the right side of his nose had partially collapsed.
- According to Jackson's aides: Michael had developed stage fright for the first time in his life and feared he would be killed if he tried to pull out of the upcoming Tour on health grounds.
- Prescriptions for drugs for patients other than Michael were found at his home.
- While his $300,000 a year (one patient only) cardiologist claims Jackson was alive when he walked in and "just happened to find him lying there"....is he to be believed?
The cardiologist says Jackson wasn't breathing but was still warm and had a "faint pulse". Purportedly, Jackson was given CPR while on the bed and while on his stomach. Just the opposite of correct procedure. He was eventually turned over and given 4 shots into the heart (3 of which caused damageto the heart) one of which hit Jackson's ribs.
- It doesn't exactly sound as if Jackson was getting his $300,000 a year "money's worth".
UPDATE - 06-26-2009
- Jackson reportedly was told... 6 months ago, that he only had 6 months to live. He was reportedly mostly bed-ridden. A doctor lived with him and gave him daily pain shots of morphine or Demerol.... reportedly for back and leg pain. This same doctor gave Jackson his last shot and was with Michael when he collapsed. This same doctor went to the hospital with the body.
- On 06-25-2009: Jackson got his last shot at 11:30 AM PDT. it was right after that shot that his breathing became shallow and he lapsed into unconsciousness. [QUESTION: WAS THIS DIPRIVAN OR DEMEROL? WHY DOES THE CARDIOLOGIST NOW DENY GIVNG JACKSON AN 11:30 AM INJECTION?]
- Jackson reportedly had an illness that affected his Lungs and his Liver (Jupiter ruled). Breathing itself is Mercury ruled.
- It is also reported that Jackson had skin pre-cancer spots on his face and skin cancer spots on his upper body. [It is also being reported that he had vitiligo on his upper torso in a "leopard like" pattern.]
- Jackson was already DOA when the medics arrived ... no breathing no pulse, but; both medics and UCLA Medical Center Hospital continued their efforts to "bring him back". He never came back.
- There was evidence that lidocaine had been administered before the medics arrived at the house. [ Reportedly; the cardiologist says the paramedics injected Michael's heart with a stimulant]
- An LAPD official reportedly told "The Sunday Times " that Michael had become heavily addicted to OxyContin and was given an injection of Demerol an hour before his death.
- Also being reported is that Michael's son saw his father stumble and fall shortly after the injection that the Texas Doctor now denies giving Michael.
Click Image to Enlarge |
| 06-25-2009 MICHAEL JACKSON DEADJackson Collapsed after having taken a large dose of Demerol.
- PLACE: Where Jackson Collapsed
- Long: 118º W 25' 30"
- Lat: 34º N 04' 52"
- DOB: August 29, 1958 - Gary Indiana