Photo: Carmen Valino - The Guardian |
DOB: 03 July 1971 Townsville, Queensland, Australia Editor-in-chief and spokesperson for WikiLeaks ["Illuminati Tool for Revolution" or "Cyber - tulku"? "Fate" or "Destiny"? Link To WikiLeaks
Link To Article |
The "Right To Keep The Internet Free" may end up trumping all the current plotting & planning. Internet users want the Internet out from under the thumb of ANYBODY ... any entity, corporation, government.
- Question: Does that include "political entities or agendas"? Can the Internet be truly "Free" otherwise?
- Question: Have the "Illuminati" (aka: everybody that wants to rule the world) outsmarted themselves this time .... or: are they "right on schedule"?
"Isn't It Nice To Be In the Know?"
Iran got nukes from North Korea
The Saudis are the main source of financing for Al Qaeda
King Abdullah wants Iran's Nuke facilities bombed
Hillary Clinton ordered US Diplomats to spy on UN Leaders
China is engaged in Computer Hacking Sabotage
Iran smuggled weapons to Hezbollah on Ambulances
... and The Beat Goes On ...
WOW ... America,Tells How "IT REALLY FEELS?" |
- The cables, which date from 1966 up until the end of February 2010, contain confidential communications between 274 embassies in countries throughout the world and the State Department in Washington DC. 15,652 of the cables are classified "Secret".
- The embassy cables were to be released in stages over the next few months. The subject matter of these cables is of such importance, and the geographical spread so broad, that to do otherwise would not do this material justice.
- The cables show the extent of US spying on its allies and the UN; turning a blind eye to corruption and human rights abuse in "client states"; backroom deals with supposedly neutral countries; lobbying for US corporations; and the measures US diplomats take to advance those who have access to them.
- This document release reveals the contradictions between the US’s public persona and what it says behind closed doors – and shows that if citizens in a democracy want their governments to reflect their wishes, they should ask to see what’s going on behind the scenes.
- Assange says he is only just beginning to post the Leaks he's got saying; these documents will expose:
"lying, corrupt and murderous leadership from Bahrain to Brazil."
- Assange further believes his safety and freedom are in danger. He has responded to questions by email from hidden locations:
"We're only one thousandth of the way in and look at what has so far being revealed. There will be many more,"
- Secretary of State Hillary Clinton: says of the data dump ... it "puts peoples lives in danger," particularly those sources who provided the U.S. with information about abuses in foreign countries. " "not just an attack on America's foreign policy
interests [but] an attack on the international community: the alliances
and partnerships, the conversations and negotiations that safeguard
global security and advance economic prosperity."
"U.S. officials have for 50 years trotted out this line when they are afraid the public is going to see how they really behave."
- "The facts are that we wrote to the State Department asking for a list of any specific concerns that might have. They refused to assist, and said they demanded everything, including those documents that revealed abuses, be destroyed.
Wiki Leaks has its origins in Cass Sunstein, George Soros, Chinese Dissidents, and idealistic individuals ..... But the funding ... that comes from (or through) Soros & his ilk. Follow the Money? Julian Assange is not necessarily its only founder. Assange founded the WikiLeaks website in 2006 and serves on its advisory board. Its advisory board is as follows:
- Phillip Adams, writer, broadcaster & film maker
- Julian Assange, investigative journalist, programmer and activist
- Wang Dan, leading Tienanmen dissident & historian
- CJ Hinke, Writer, Academic, Activist
- Ben Laurie, internet security expert
- Tashi Namgyal Khamsitsang, Tibetan exile & activist
- Xiao Qiang, Chinese human rights activist
- Chico Whitaker, Brazilian social justice advocate
- Wang Youcai, founder of the Chinese Democracy Party & physicist
WikiLeaks is run by five full-time ''staffers'' and almost 1000 volunteers
- With no fixed address, or time zone, Assange has never publicly admitted he is the brains behind the website that has so radically rewritten the rules in the information era. (He acknowledges registering a website,, in 1999, but denies ever having done anything with it.
- Wikileaks appeared on the internet in 2007. It acts as an electronic dead drop for secret information. It is run by by an online network of dissidents, journalists, academics, technology experts and mathematicians from various countries, but (it would seem) with similar political views and values. It uses technology that makes its original leak sources untraceable.
- WikiLeaks was born out of a house of computer geeks in Melbourne, Australia in 2007. Julian's house. He is eccentric (but in a way normal for talented eccentrics, just not normal for "the outer world at large")
"There were beds everywhere. There was even a bed in the kitchen. Night would find Assange glued to his computer. He would frequently forget to eat or sleep... would write mathematical formulas all over the walls and the doors, and used only red light bulbs in his room (early man, if waking suddenly, would see only the gentle light of the campfire). He also went through a period of frustration that the human body has to be fed several times a day and experimented with eating just one meal every two days, in order to be more efficient."
- Instructions for meeting with Assange? ''Don't call a cab, find one on the street; turn off your mobile phone before you catch the cab and preferably, remove the batteries.''
- His view of the Universe? In December, 2006, when he was crossing a swollen river during heavy rain, in southern Tasmania, and was swept out to sea. He swam back in. He states: ''My conclusion from that experience is that the universe doesn't give a damn about you, so it's a good thing you do.''
He carries with him everything he needs for three weeks of survival.
- His son, Daniel Assange adds this: “I would say he’s very intelligent and has a lot of the characteristic troubles that are associated with high intelligence, He gets easily frustrated with people who aren’t capable of working up to his level and seeing ideas that he grasps very intuitively. He’s always been interested in political activism in general, but he’s also had a great interest in science and philosophy and the general pursuit of knowledge, and the idea that this knowledge should be available to the entire human race, WikiLeaks is the culmination of all these concepts.”
- Assange has 4 locations he calls "home"
- Iceland in one
- Nairobi, Kenya is another (he reportedly was instrumental in the outcome of their 2007 Presidential election)
- He says Wikileaks is interested in "Justice" ... Question: Would that be "Social Justice"?
- He also took a trip to & spent time in Georgia ... the one Russia last invaded during the beginning of the Chinese Olympics
- Like Obama, Assange speaks as an academic ... as if he were delivering a lecture; He says of the things he is good at .... spelling would not be among them.
"Low Hanging Fruit"? ... Being A Figurehead Isn't Easy: |
M E N D A X (?)(Noble Untruth) In 1997, Assange collaborated on a book called Underground ... by Suelette Dreyfus about young Melbourne hackers. Assange is said to be the character named "Mendax". The story, about a very intelligent boy who never knew his father .... goes like this:
- His mother, an artist and activist in Queensland, leaves home at 17; she sells her paintings to get the money for a motorcycle.
- She lands in Sydney where she joins the counterculture scene & falls for a a guy she meets at an anti-Vietnam-war demonstration. He fathers "Mendax". Within a year of Mendax being born... the guy splits.
- Mendax turn "2" and the mother remarries... this time another artist/actor-director and the 3 of them hit the road as a traveling road show theatre family.
- Mendax turns "9" and the couple get a divorce and Mendax's mother takes up with a violent psychopath with 5 different identities (or personalities?) whose lifestory is concocted as well as what country he was born in. They run away from this guy and end up once again in Melbourne.
SO: Is Assange "Mendax"? Assange was interviewed by a reporter (Mark Davis) that tracked him down in Norway. In that Interview (SBS's Dateliine Program) he said of "Mendax":
- .... this man ''seemed to be the son of Anne Hamilton-Byrne of the Anne Hamilton-Byrne cult in Australia, and we kept getting tracked down''...("an oopsie"?)
- Byrne was the leader of a cult called "The Family" which came to light in the Dandenong Ranges in the early 1980s. There were 14 children in the cult, who were treated horribly, and who were told that they were all Byrne's children. All of them had their hair dyed blonde (the police finally caught up with the cult in 1987).
- Mendax leaves home at 17 and marries his 16-year-old girlfriend with whom he has a son one year later. At 20, his wife leaves him and Mendax has a breakdown.
- Assange says he & his mother were never in a cult and he won't discuss Mendax. He has helped the Victoria police track down child molesters & has assisted in child abuse cases.
- in 1991, Assange, still a teenager, and a key member of a hacker group called the International Subversives, was arrested and charged with more than 30 computer hacking offences. He and others, it was alleged, had hacked the systems of the Australian National University, RMIT, Telecom, and had even monitored the Australian Federal Police investigation into their activities. He eventually pleaded guilty to 24 charges and was placed on a good behaviour bond, and ordered to pay $2100. In Underground, Mendax devises a program called Sycophant, allowing the International Subversives to infiltrate computers at the Pentagon, National Security Agency, Motorola and NASA, among other organizations.
Assange (like Mendax) suffered a breakdown and was briefly hospitalized after being charged by police. He also does say he suffered a period of depression with the break-up of his relationship with his son's mother.
"Assange" is Julian's stepfather's last name.
- Assange helped run a civil rights organization in Melbourne, in the early 1990s which raised allegations about child neglect in the social welfare system ... he says he was particularly concerned with one case & explains he knew people whose children had been abused.
- During the 1990s Assange worked in computer security in Australia and overseas, devised software programs - in 1997 he co-invented ''Rubberhose deniable encryption'', which he describes as a cryptographic system made for human rights workers wanting to protect sensitive data in the field - he also became a central figure in the free software movement.
- Assange is not paid by WikiLeaks ... but says he has "investments"
- He spent four years studying maths, mostly at Melbourne University - with stints at the Australian National University in Canberra - but never graduated, disenchanted, he says, with how many of his fellow students were conducting research for the US defense system. He had already started working with other people on a model of WikiLeaks by early 2006. He ended his formal studies in 2007. Assange appears to have felt with academia a dead end for him ... WikiLeaks was his way of remaining "in the game".
- Regarding the "3 letter organizations" ... Assange maintains "there's an understanding that we have a lot of support within these organisations"
| The Charts below are the previously posted Lunation Radix & Dial Charts
- What the World Lunation Charts Have To Say are Indicators of what is actually happening ...They are like reading the headlines of a Newspaper if you keep up with current events at all:
"What do You think the charts are trying to say about these current events?"
The Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction & the Wiki-Leaks Data Dumps
- The Jupiter-Uranus conjunction will be within 01' in the upcoming Solar Eclipse Chart of 04 Jan 2011 (27º Pisces 01' & 02').
- Jupiter = "EXPANSION" / "Social-Societal Expansion"; & Indicates "THE GIVER"
(its focus is on governing or directing human affairs)
(its focus is the on the Un-Orthodox , Eccentric, Rebels & Reformers)
- The Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction is the indicator for the Wiki-Leaks Data Dump... For the Last Quarter Lunation of 28 Nov 2010 Jupiter was approaching a retrograding Uranus at an orb of: 03º 02'.... in the 9th mundane House. The 9th house rules both "publishing & the Internet.
[3] - The 3RD dump started on Sunday - Nov 28th, 2010 at about 5:00 PM.
- [1] - The first data dump, (on the Afghani war) took place on July 25th, 2010...(during the July 18th First Quarter Lunation) Jupiter again approaching & conjunct a retrograding Uranus in the 7th House at a 02º 50' a orb. [Note: the Full Moon Lunation did not begin until July 26th (GMT)
- [2] - The Iraqi War dump (2nd data dump) took place on 22 Oct 2010: This dump occurred under the Full "Hunter's" Moon... (began at 01:38 AM GMT on the 23rd)
Radix Charts: World Chart Lunations |
DUMP #2: The Iraqi War Dump Lunation (Full Hunter's Moon Lunation - (GMT 01:38 AM)) - (Dump: 22 Oct 2010) |
DUMP #1: Afghani War Dump Lunation (1st Quarter Lunation) - (Dump: 25 July 2010) |
Lunation right after the Afghani Dump: Now the Moon (the public) is in the House of the Internet |
- Uranus enters Aries: Full Moon Lunation Chart of May 27th (Uranus entered Aries on May 29th, 2010)
- 1st Wiki Leak Data Dump: 25 July 2010
- 2nd Wiki Leak Data Dump: 22 Oct 2010
- 3rd Wiki Leak Data Dump: 28 Nov 2010
DUMP #3: Last QTR Lunation: 28 Nov 2010 (Dump: 28 Nov 2010) - "This is the dump that "took off" as a media sensation. Jupiter-Uranus conjunct in 9th house (03 degrees 02') |
- Radix Chart:
- Cupido-Mars-Mercury-Node-Pluto stellium in 6th house of Computers & Bureaucracies; work & the workplace
- Jupiter-Uranus in 9th House of Internet, Publishing, & International Events (Trine Vulcanus in 1st House of "In the Public Eye") SQUARE Mercury Stellium in 6th House
- Also
Note the number of planets in the same degrees (marked on radix
chart): these same degree planets work together ... and strengthen them
as indicators.
DIAL NOTES: from 28 Nov 2010
- "An Internet Network connection"
- A Big Press Conference
- A "Televised Event"
- A Secret Organization OR: "an illicit connection with a destructive agenda"
- "Slippery Slopes", "Creeping Changes" "Hidden Agendas"
- "A change of Residence or Position"
- "One's Personal Financial Reserves" OR: "Commodities or Resources held in Reserve (?)"
- "A Crisis spreads of escalates"
- "Out of the Blue", something nasty; "Activity Frozen" (Note: this could be either a climate stream, cycle or system...OR: "A damaged locale")
NOTE On the 3rd Wikileaks "Document Dump" Data Base of 250,000 classified emails re: world-wide nuclear activity, discussions, & negotiations From Last Quarter World Chart Lunation Charts: 28 Nov 2010
On the Dial: Aries-Hades /Kronos = Node (World-wide "dump" on the Internet)
Lunation/Venus = Node (Sun/Venus = Node = Website)
- Uranus enters Aries: Full Moon Lunation Chart of May 27th (Uranus entered Aries on May 29th, 2010)
- 1st Wiki Leak Data Dump: 25 July 2010
- 2nd Wiki Leak Data Dump: 22 Oct 2010
- 3rd Wiki Leak Data Dump: 28 Nov 2010
- The Official conjunction for Jupiter-Uranus in 2010 was on:
June 8th at 00º 18' Sept 19th at 28º Pisces 43'
- The Official conjunction for Jupiter-Uranus in 2011 will be on Dec. 4th at 27º Pisces 02'... Its last until 2037.