| This Is The Ongoing Saga Of: "As The Oil Hits The Fan"
- Welcome to what has become an unbelievable alternate reality, or: one really heinous ... what; "plot", conspiracy theory, "screw-up" ?
- Mr. Guidry calls it "Hell" ... he may be right.
"...doth the plot thicken?"
Below are excerpts from a Report linked to Steve Quayle's Website. which is also promoting a book:
[ Link to Report Site] The Links at the end of each statement show where that piece of information was obtained. (There are many more links on the original report site than are given here)
Most of this information is already on the AstralNewz site; but the compiling of the data is very helpful. It is dated 09 July 2010
- We now know (through witness testimony from Tyrone Benton) that there were cracks reported in the drill casing two weeks prior to the disaster and that it was leaking, but BP did nothing about it. (LINK)
- Hours before the explosion, Deepwater Horizon installation manager Jimmy Harrell was witnessed by other rig workers screaming “Are you ****ing happy? Are you ****ing happy? The rig’s on fire! I told you this was going to happen!” (LINK)
- Goldman Sachs sold 44% of their total holdings, 4,680,822 shares of BP stock in the first quarter of 2010. The investment firm earned about USD $266 million on the sale.
- Contrary to popular opinion, the Deepwater Horizon (Mississippi Canyon 252) oil rig that exploded is not the property of BP, but rather is the property of Transocean. (LINK) Both companies are financially directed by Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, and UBS investment bankers, all operating in the Rothschild League of banks.
- BP CEO Tony Hayward sold £1.4 million worth of his BP shares weeks before the explosion. This represented 1/3 of his holdings. (LINK)
- A little over one week before the explosion, Halliburton purchased an oil spill prevention company called Boots & Coots. Apparently, Halliburton also had some “psychic insight” on what was soon to come. (LINK)
- Halliburton has admitted that it was involved in the “cementing” process (a process that involves plugging holes in the pipeline seal by pumping cement into it from the rig). Halliburton was forced to admit in testimony at a congressional hearing in April 2010 that it knew that the cementation jobs were likely to fail. (LINK)
- Just hours before the rig explosion, The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) took part in a “surprise inspection” aboard the Deepwater Horizon. In an interview, Zac Zimmerman revealed how odd this particular BLM visit really was, in light of the fact that many rigs have burned for weeks at a time without collapsing. ( SEE VIDEO BELOW)
“The individual is
handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he
cannot believe it exists.” - J. Edgar Hoover
- On April 14, 2010 (6 days before the explosion), the Management Board
of the Eurex Stock Exchange introduced an equity option on shares of
Transocean. Get this....the equity option was effective on April 20th...
the day of the explosion. Basically, this gave all the “insiders” ONE
FULL DAY to dump their uninsured Transocean stock (using put options) at
the highest possible price, then repurchase the same stock after it
plummeted. (LINK)
- One worker on the rig at the time of the
explosion (10 PM on April 20th) reported that the lights on the platform
went out just before the explosion. She was one of the 115 people who
escaped the burning rig. Eleven others were not so fortunate; they
remain missing and are presumed dead. (LINK) (AP)
Oleander Benton, a cook on an oil rig that exploded off the Louisiana
coast, was sitting at a laundry room table with a friend when the lights
went out. Then, there was the blast. The Deepwater Horizon
platform shuddered, debris fell from the ceiling and Benton hit the
floor, as she had been trained to do. She scrambled through hallways
littered with rubble, following a man in a white T-shirt. "I
could not see anything but that man. He just kept on saying 'Come this
way, come that way.'
It was like he was coaching me to my lifeboat,
because I couldn't see," she said. She made it across the
sweltering, mud-caked deck to a lifeboat - one of 115 people to safely
escape the platform after the explosion a week ago. Eleven others are
missing and presumed dead.
- Benton, 52, recalled her tale as crews
used a remote sub to try to shut off an underwater oil well that's
gushing 42,000 gallons a day from the site of the wrecked drilling
platform. If crews cannot stop the leak quickly, they might need to
drill another well to redirect the oil, a process that could take about
two months while oil washes up along a broad stretch of shore, from the
white-sand beaches of Florida's Panhandle to the swamps of Louisiana.
- Coincidentally,
(or was it?) the oil rig exploded on Hitler’s birthday, just in time to
poison Earth Day 2010 ?
to the Explosion
- Obama (along with Department
of Homeland Security) sent SWAT (“Special Weapons and Tactics”) teams
to the Gulf to “inspect” the rigs and platforms. Why on earth would you
deploy SWAT teams in response to an oil spill unless it was an act of
terrorism, an act of war, or they if they were sent to carry out some
sort of covert operation?
- Wackenhut (aka
G4S) has been hired by BP to block and/or arrest reporters who attempt
to interview the workers in and around Grand Isle, LA. Wackenhut is a
known CIA-front group (link on original site of report) and also has ties to other “shadow
government” agencies. Wackenhut’s private employees are forcing the public
off public beaches. (video on original report site)
- Yahoo! News’ Brett
Michael Dykes reported that BP paid busloads of temporary cleanup
workers to show up as “stage props” for Obama’s visit to the oil spill
cleanup operations on Grand Isle. Jefferson Parish Councilman Chris
Roberts (whose district encompasses Grand Isle) told Dykes that BP bused
in “hundreds” of temporary workers to clean up local beaches. According
to Roberts, “as soon as Obama was en route back to Washington, the
workers were clearing out of Grand Isle too.”
- A local Louisiana resident commented, “The cleanup crew was there for
appearances only; their garbage bags were empty. When Obama left, they
got on a bus and left, too.”
- BP has
admitted to buying Google and Yahoo keywords in an attempt to control
publicly available information about this disaster. The FAA has declared a “no-fly zone” in the Gulf. There seems to be a complete cover up and news blackout of the events
as they are unfolding.
- Hydrogen
sulfide, benzene, and methylene chloride and other toxic gases are also
spewing out (along with the oil) in concentrations 1000 times greater
than what the EPA considers to be “safe” for humans. Any one of these
chemicals in these concentrations would be lethal. Mixed together into a
toxic soup, the oil disaster is truly unthinkable and a medical and
health disaster of unfathomable proportions. When the hurricanes come
they will absorb this toxic seawater and drop it as “toxic rain.” (link on original report site)
- BP
(with approval from the US government) has dumped hundreds of thousand
of gallons of their toxic chemical dispersant, Corexit 9500, at their
undersea wellhead and on surface waters. (LINK) Because it is so
incredibly toxic (four times more toxic than the oil and twenty times
more toxic than other dispersants), the UK has completely banned Corexit
9500, since it ruptures red blood cells, causes internal bleeding, and
liver & kidney damage. If there were a major oil spill in the UK’s
North Sea, BP would not be able to use it, so why is BP being
allowed to use Corexit 9500 in the Gulf of Mexico?
- Corexit
9500 is produced by Illinois-based Nalco Corporation. A search of
Nalco’s Web site reveals the company history, which leads right to the
doorstep of Goldman Sachs! (LINK) Yes, Goldman Sachs owns a controlling
interest in Nalco (via Apollo Management). (LINK) If you dig a little
deeper you will find Nalco is also associated with Warren Buffett,
Maurice Strong, Al Gore, George Soros, and Hathaway Berkshire.
- The toxic chemicals have evaporated into the
atmosphere and have condensed, falling on the plant life, farms, and the
entire environment surrounding the Gulf of Mexico causing corrosive
lesions on plants and killing birds. It’s raining chemicals in Louisiana
& Mississippi.
- The residents of southern
Louisiana are now experiencing a “toxic Gulf” washing ashore. Why is
Evergreen Air (a known CIA-front company) spraying Corexit chemtrails in
the Gulf by the cover of night, literally dumping toxic chemicals on
people’s homes?
- The evidence is growing stronger and stronger that there is
substantial damage beneath the sea floor. (LINK)
- Why are dolphins, sharks, other marine life, and various birds
fleeing the Gulf? Remember the Tsunami in the Indian ocean a few years
back? The animals fled first, while the clueless people stayed behind
and got clobbered by the deadly wave. Could a similar event be brewing
in the Gulf? (My note: or is it all that toxic material & oil which is killing the sealife; and they know to run from it?)
- All it takes is one hurricane to turn the entire region
into a toxic stew of chemical poison. Could the giant gas bubble and
magma deposits which have been detected below the ocean floor result in a
potential tsunami of biblical proportions?
Clint Guidry is a shrimper from Lafitte, Louisiana
Click Image To Enlarge (Photo by Erika Blumenfeld © 2010 |
- My name is Clint Guidry. I am a third generation Louisiana Commercial Shrimp Fisherman. I am sixty-two years old and a lifelong resident of Lafitte, LA. I am a Vietnam Veteran and the son of a WWII Veteran.
- I am on the Board of Directors of the Louisiana Shrimp Association and the Shrimp Harvester Representative on the LA Shrimp Task Force created by Executive Order of Gov. Bobby Jindal.
- I have been invited here today to testify about the current disaster that is occurring concerning the blowout and oil spill from the British Petroleum (BP) DeepWater Horizon Catastrophe and what effects it is having on the fishermen and the families I represent.
- Ladies and gentlemen, HELL has come to South Louisiana. A HELL created by British Petroleum (BP) and a failed U.S. Government response to the disaster.
- First of all I would like to put into perspective BP’s role in this disaster and show them for what they are.
- BP committed fraud in furnishing oil spill response data required to obtain a permit to enable them to drill the MC 252 location. The reality is they were not prepared to handle or control a blowout and resulting oil spill of this magnitude. Simply put, they LIED.
- BP, in their haste to cut corners and save money in the completion process on the well location at MC 252, exhibited willful neglect in their duties to complete the well safely which led to the blowout and explosion that killed eleven people.
Eleven souls that will never come back. Eleven families with mothers and fathers and wives and children. Children who will never see their fathers again.
- This neglect and loss of life constitutes negligent homicide and all involved should be arrested and charged as such.
- So now I have established what kind of people we are dealing with, LIARS and KILLERS. It appalls me that they are still in total control of this disaster after almost a month has passed.
- Now I would like to speak about our Federal Response to the disaster.
- The first response to the disaster was the U.S. Coast Guard, who has assumed duties of protecting BP and aiding them in downplaying the spill, providing BP representatives with armed guards to keep away the press and TV camera crews and sending representatives to local communities to provide false information on safety and health dangers related to the oil spill and the chemical dispersants used.
- The second response came from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), who in an effort to minimize the spill and save BP face, unleashed two dangerous chemical dispersants which were injected into the water column at the sea floor and sprayed on the surface over the oil and workers in the areas of the spill and along the coast close to coastal fishing communities.
These chemical dispersants contain solvents that are dangerous to marine populations in the Gulf and coastal estuaries and were never fully tested for dangers to humans. In the product sheets for these chemical dispersants, there is always a disclaimer: “This listing does not mean that EPA approves, recommends, licenses, certifies or authorizes the use of this product on an oil discharge.”
- And that IS exactly what EPA did and is still doing with total disregard to marine populations that will collapse because of it and human populations that will get sick and may die because of this decision.
- “Kill the Ocean, Save the Beaches,” a “Trade-Off” decision. Under what logic does this work? The Gulf is the Mother and the Estuaries are the nurseries. If the Mother dies, there will be no children to incubate.
- The reality is the oil and chemical dispersants are entering our estuaries as we speak. The “Trade-Off” logic FAILED.
- As I stated, I represent commercial shrimp fishermen. I have members, friends and family presently working to contain and clean-up the spill. They are relating to me BP’s total disregard for providing workers with proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
- I have extensive experience working with hazardous chemicals associated with petroleum. In the 80’s and 90’s I worked with Brown and Root Industrial Services as a supervisor, General Superintendant and Area Superintendant. I supervised maintenance work in oil refineries and was responsible for worker safety and getting the work done on time. Safety and health of my workers ALWAYS came first with me.
- I am being told by workers and family members that proper respiratory protection is NOT being provided to the fishermen workers.
- Petroleum, as it surfaces and spreads over the water and heats, releases dangerous carcinogens and these carcinogens are most concentrated directly over the leaking well and surrounding area where my fishermen are working. There has been NO respiratory protective PPE issued to workers working directly over this most dangerous area, even as a precaution to have available given they are working 60 miles offshore. In fact, when some individuals brought their own respirators, they were told by BP representatives on site that if they wore the respirators they would be released from the job. That disturbs me greatly.
- My fishermen are more concerned with losing their jobs and the income they desperately need to pay bills and feed their families than their health. From years of experience I know that, when protected, work in very hazardous environments can be completed safely using the proper PPE.
- Is BP sacrificing my fishermen’s health and lives to protect themselves from liability issues at a later date?
- How can we believe liars and killers when they say the worksite is safe?
- This is the same game plan Exxon used in Alaska 20 years ago and Alaska fishermen ¬never collected a penny in settlements from Exxon for sickness and deaths related to working clean-up after the Valdez spill. Exxon never issued respiratory protection to fishermen in the Valdez spill.
- These workers safety issues are my top PRIORITY and need to be addressed IMMEDIATELY.
- If we are going to allow BP “We the people” 5th Amendment rights in court and use “Taking of Future Profits” to let them off the hook for full responsibility of this disaster, we will be playing the same part as the Alaskans did in the Exxon Valdez Playbook that BP is using on us.
- It is past time for our elected officials, Departments and Agencies to abandon the influence of “Big Oil’s” “Big Money” and do what they were elected and appointed to do, represent and protect “We the People” who voted them in office.
- This Administration needs to treat BP like what they really are, LIARS and KILLERS and take control of this monumental disaster.
- This administration was elected to office on a platform of “CHANGE.” So far, as it applies to “Big Oil” it is business as usual. The only change we are experiencing in dealing with “Big Oil” is being “Short-Changed.”
- On behalf of the Commercial Shrimpers I represent and the coastal communities who are losing their way of life, I ask that you take control of this out of control situation.
Clint Guidry Louisiana Shrimp Association
From a Fishing Village, to an "'Oil Town": Hell Has Come to South Louisiana
by Dahr Jamail
- Toxicologists: Corexit “Ruptures Red Blood Cells, Causes Internal Bleeding”, "Allows Crude Oil To Penetrate “Into The Cells” and “Every Organ System"
- Corexit is toxic, is less effective than other dispersants, and is actually worsening the damage caused by the oil spill.
- Now, two toxicologists are saying that Corexit is much more harmful to human health and marine life than we've been told.
- Specifically Gulf toxicologist Dr. Susan Shaw - Founder and Director of the Marine Environmental Research Institute - dove into the oil spill to examine the chemicals present.
Dr. Shaw told CNN:
- If I can tell you what happens — because I was in the oil — to people…
- Shrimpers throwing their nets into water… [then] water from the nets splashed on his skin. … [He experienced a] headache that lasted 3 weeks… heart palpitations… muscle spasms… bleeding from the rectum…
- And that’s what that Corexit does, it ruptures red blood cells, causes internal bleeding, and liver and kidney damage. …
- This stuff is so toxic combined… not the oil or dispersants alone. … Very, very toxic and goes right through skin.
The reason this is so toxic is because of these solvents [from dispersant] that penetrate the skin of anything that’s going through the dispersed oil takes the oil into the cells — takes the oil into the organs… and this stuff is toxic to every organ system in the body. …
- Similarly, marine biologist and toxicologist Dr. Chris Pincetich - who has an extensive background in testing the affects of chemicals on fish - says that Corexit disrupts cell membranes.
- He also explains that EPA toxicity testing for Corexit is woefully inadequate, since EPA testing for mortality usually only requires a 96-hour time frame.
His doctoral research found that fish that were alive at 96 hours after exposure to pesticide were dead at two weeks, so the chemicals were considered non-lethal for the purposes of the test.