Trout Lake: Click Image to Enlarge then Maximize .. its BIG
From Russia ... with ?
Click Image to Enlarge, Then Maximize
Click Image To Enlarge
Note the small dark shadow in the street just beyond the porch pillar post on the far right
The small shadow enlarged: He would go for a stroll if things got too rowdy & was said to be upset at the disruption to his home caused by the renovations.(Click Image to Enlarge)
The construction underway to create this new Deck was not welcomed by all who lived there. (Click image to Enlarge)
Alabama: Click Image To Enlarge
Big Basin, California: Click Image To Enlarge
These are known as "Drones"
The forest rangers in California said they saw them all the time... off and on, and; were told they were part of the "government".
Question: From Which Planet?
They have been seen in hangars in Louisiana and in other areas of the country like the one from Alabama. People look up and there they are. It has been said, they seem to be "looking for someone or something"
Click Image To Enlarge: Man In Black
Believing he was the one doing the Surveillance, this "MIB" was caught in the act by Tim Beckley, friend of the person being "watched"
It May Be Old, But Its the Real Photo taken when Los Angeles was under .... observation.
Click Image to Enlarge: They lived in Jordan ... But, where did they originate from?
Feb 25th 1942: Click Image to Enlarge: Report to President Roosevelt
Click Image To Enlarge: MAP
Click Image to Enlarge: Pairs of beings ... their features carefully show distinctly individual features. All are of the same "type of being". Some are shown as 2 heads but one body.
Click Image to Enlarge: Very Distinct Features
New York, 1966: Click Image to Enlarge
Click Image To Enlarge: The Capitol - 1952
You ride your horse down the lane or the bridle path all the time ... but; do you ever REALLY look around you?
Someone was; and couldn't believe their eyes. But, the camera lens added an extra pair of eyes!
Click Image to Enlarge: This creature, person, figure was walking along in a jerky sort of fashion and was filmed doing so
Click Image to Enlarge: The figure that though - always on the move - wasn't always ... quite there ...