Inauguration Day: 20 January 2009 |
Election Day: 4 Nov, 2008 |
Democratic National Convention: 25 - 28 August 2008 - Denver, Colorado |
Republican National Convention: 1 - 4 September 2008 - St. Paul, Minnesota |
Inauguration Day is January 20, 2009 |
UPDATE 11-06-2008 - President Elect Obama is about to get his Intelligence Briefing. Meanwhile; Phillip Berg has received an answer from Justice Souter's office. Justice Souter wouldn't stay the election but has said that Obama and the DNC (Defendants) have until Dec. 01, 2008 to answer a Writ of Certiorari. Then Berg will have an opportunity to respond to their response. Can/Will Obama & the DNC get away with ignoring the Supreme Court?
UPDATE 10-23-2008 - Only 2 weeks to go. BIG INFO: Phillip Berg has said that the 30 days has elapsed for Obama & the DNC to comply with the court's "Request for Admissions" as part of the "Discovery Process" in Berg's Legal Complaint. According to Berg, the U.S. is going to sooner or later be in a "world of hurt" when it turns out that Obama cannot legally run for the Presidency of the United States. For Details, if you don't already know about all this: you can go to:
Obama only had to fill in a yes or a no and it would all go away. Anyone could have filled in the Yes/No's, he signs it, sends it in...its over.
Obama is a lawyer. Why on God's Green Earth would he let this legal request from the court go un-answered when he is required by law to comply? Don't our laws matter anymore?
One thing though; Bill Ayers did say in 2001 that if a rule of law existed he didn't agree with ... he would just ignore it. Hope that isn't how Obama thinks. If it is; what kind of President would he make if the only "laws" he followed were the "Laws of Obama"? Read the stuff, see for yourself. Click on the 2 links above for the details. Barely 2 week to go.
UPDATE 10-14-2008 - Only 3 weeks to go and the Presidential Race is just beginning to "solidify" . Coming up on the 15th is the final "debate" (up til now, an exercise in how to get your eyes to glaze over"). Maybe it will be helpful to voters ... but so far the debates have been very boring . BUT: Some very interesting issues have begun to define this Presidential Race 2008.
- The 1st black man to be his party's presidential candidate
- The oldest candidate to be his party's presidential candidate
- No More Political Business as Usual and now:
- "Spreading the wealth around" (tax credits in the form of checks in the mail every January, to those who do not now pay taxes) or "wealth re-distribution"; a socialistic approach.
It is the last 2 issues; (1) Voter Fraud thru ACORN & (2) Wealth Re-Distribution that are is starting to define this Presidential Race.
The ACORN issue concerns a group that gets tax-payer dollars ... BUT: is behind both massive voter fraud (currently under investigation in 11+ states - all swing states) . Adding to this issue is that fact that Barack Obama: represented ACORN as Personal Counsel, taught their training classes, and donated $800,000 to ACORN from his present campaign funds.
- ACORN is also involved in 2 other current hi-profile areas: (1) They spear headed the current sub-prime mortgage programs that have contributed to the current economic debacle; and (2) Re-education in the form of "student radicalization". (Note: there is plenty of documentation in both the above)
- ACORN works primarily with the "disenfranchised" ... those who are poor and/or people of color ... to organize these people into groups & help them to achieve the aims of the ACORN organizers ... but; also to help people improve their lives and life situations.
- Toward this aim, the main goal of the ACORN organizers is to control the outcome of elections anyway they can get away with ... legal or not. This is crucial as the overall bureaucracy of government (local and national) runs on elected officials whose races are often won by only 67 votes! Then , in turn, President Bush won Florida...and thus his Presidential election ....by only 500 votes!
- THUS: ACORN exists to "plough a road to election victories" and ultimately the White House.
Initially, Obama's website stated that he (Obama) had;
- "nothing to do with ACORN"... that he
- "may have known some people there, but ACORN is just some group down the street in the neighborhood that had a sign out that said "ACORN"
- "I don't know anything about ACORN"
These statements have recently been taken down from Obama's website.
Then, Obama, taking questions from Katherine Hughes, (a moderator in Dec. 1st, 2007 Heartland Democrat Presidential Forum) stated the following:
- Hughes asked Obama: "If elected president would you agree in your first 100 days to meet with a delegation of representatives from these various community organizations, the "Campaign for Community Values", and so forth, can they count on you in your first 100 days to sit down with them?"
- Obama Replies: "Yes, but let me say that before I even get inaugurated, during the transition we're going to be calling all of you to help us shape the agenda. We're going to be having meetings all across the country with community organizations so that you have input into the agenda of the next presidency of the United States of America!"
It can be said that Obama's veracity is at stake ... but the issue for voters may boil down to this: "What Sort of Country is the United States supposed to BE? Business as usual vs. a Socialist Approach? Is there a 3RD Option?
McCain supporters tend to say Socialism is never an option for the USA. The founding fathers gave us a Republic "if we could keep it" ( so said Benjamin Franklin). With the addition of Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin to the McCain ticket, the 3RD option seems newly possible to many voters.
SO: "CHANGE" in the 2008 Presidential Election may now have "2" new faces:
(1) Change to Socialism (2) Change to, once again, a Republic, (the original vision of the founding fathers)
IF this is where the choices are heading: this election will indeed be HISTORIC !
UPDATE: 09-27-2008 - Without the spin; the Debates were fairly BORING. No one "got in a good one" or made a "memorable" point.
Obama misquoted Kissinger who corrected Obama from Kent, Conn. today; saying that McCain got it correct regarding negotiating with Iran and Obama got it wrong.
As for McCain, he seemed to repeat his one-liners about being a Maverick and not winning the Senate Miss Congeniality award far more than would be called "seemly". It would appear that the VEEP Debates show more promise.
UPDATE 09-12-2008 - Hurricane Gustav threw a monkey wrench into the RNC Convention ... but ... nothing like the Gorilla Wrench McCain threw into the Obama Camp via Gov. Sarah Palin!
The Dems are scrambling to find ANYTHING they can tarnish her with. Real or imagined. Sarah Palin has captured the nostalgia in America that longs for Character, Vision, & Good Old Fashioned American Values. Palin definetly strikes a "lost chord" in the American Psyche. The Dems want to stick a pin in her ballooning support.
Palin handed "Charlie" Gibson his "hubris" on a platter during her first interview for "Good Morning America"... and has actually managed to eclipse Obama's rising star. Things are getting very, very, interesting.
Meanwhile, nothing more has been heard from Democrat Phillip J. Berg and his claim that Obama may have been born in Kenya according to family witnesses. It is interesting that recently thieves have broken into the Obama's relatives home in Kenya.
UPDATE: 08-27-2008 - BARACK OBAMA WINS THE DEMOCRATIC NOMINATION AT: 4:48:54 pm MDT in Denver, Colorado at the DNC Convention and becomes his party's Presidential Nominee. [The Pepsi Center: 105º W 00' 28" / 39º N 44' 51"]
UPDATE: 08-26-2008 - Just think about it: At the DNC convention we have "The Big Three": The Kennedy's, the Clinton's & the Obama's: all under the spotlight, all with their separate allegiances, agendas, and personal likes & dis-likes. Talk about "stirring the pot". This one is almost set to "boil over"! The deal-making, the drama, the ongoing issue of hte "roll-call vote" due tonight. Gloria Allred (a Clinton supporter) wore a Gag over her mouth to a breakfast meeting of the California delegation on Tuesday, to protest efforts to discourage Clinton Supporters from speaking out! Clinton & Obama people are passing out petitions to submit Clinton's and Obama's names for a roll-call vote. Bill Clinton is out sucking up oxygen by participating in a panel at the "Club of Madrid NDI International Affairs Forum" as well as other public outings "sans" media appearances. Obama is set to accept hsi party's nomination before 75,000 at the Denver Bronco's football stadium Thursday Night.
UPDATE: 08-24-2008 - Here's some "High Strangeness" for you ... Both Nancy Pelosi and Obama Himself referred to Joe Biden as the Next President of the United States and both had to correct themselves! Pelosi's gaffe came on a television Interview on Saturday the 23rd while Obama introduced Biden as "the Next President" at their joint Campaign rally in Springfield, Illinois! Coincidence, Prescient, ... what?
UPDATE: 08-23-2008 - The Democratic Convention is ON. And an "Obama Bombshell" is ready to Drop right into it: A Democratic Philadelphia Attorney has filed a lawsuit alleging that Obama is NOT a U.S. Citizen, and therefore CANNOT run for President! FOR DETAILS: CLICK HERE FOR "OBAMA CENTRAL"
UPDATE: 8-19-2008 - Obama will announce his VP this week (on Thursday is the word) and McCain will announce his VP on August 29th (Lindsey Graham?). Hillary is stealing a lot of Obama's Thunder for the Democratic Convention. It is believed that she will still try for the nomination through the roll call vote that Obama has given his agreement to.
NOTE: There may be, or; would probably still have to be, another political "hail Mary" scandal "leaked" to push Obama to second place at the convention, despite his "2nd place" showing at the Saddleback Town Hall event held over the weekend. One wonders what might be lurking "behind closed political doors"?
UPDATE: 08-14-2008 - Hillary's name will be put in Nomination on Wednesday at the Denver Democratic Convention. Was this her plan all along? Of course. How much you want to bet she plans to take that nomination for herself? If there is any "breaking Obama News" just before or even during the Convention ... well ... it just could get interesting. Probably getting those delegates from Hillary might fall into the "from her cold dead hands" category; and she has plenty of security. Hillaryis also planning to use her own video crew for the event. Hey, "Good luck Obama" ... you're probably going to need it.
UPDATE: 07-19-2008 - Obama's tour of the Middle East, Europe, & Iraq: this is going to be "big". There is talk of his being a new "rising rock star". The 3 head anchors of the network news are going to be on his plane. Comparisons are being made to Obama being the "JFK" of our times. He has 300 advisors on foreign relations.
QUESTION: Wasn't it "300" that sacrificed themselves and died at Thermopylae?
If Obama doesn't pull this off; Hillary may still get her chance.
UPDATE: 07-16-2008 - Latest "scuttlebut" is what Hillary may, or may not be planning for the Democrat National Convention. Will there be a challenge from the floor? If Obama has all the electoral votes, then what would be the point other than fundraising? Speaking of which, Hillary is said to already "talking about" planning for 2012. Hillary supporters are unflinching in their loyalty. The Super Delegates - will she give them a reason to change their minds at the last minute?
On the Obama side: Some of the gloss appears to be off the "Barack Rose"; but only a bit. So far, his "foreign policy" seems to have many scratching their heads: how do you put forth a troop withdrawal plan, before you go to Iraq and talk to Petraeus? How do you know you can do what you plan? Obama says he has been talking to some generals, but so far it appears to be only partisan ones that aren't in combat nor in Iraq. We'll have to see how he does on his tour and in Germany in particular.
On the McCain side: he is still reading from his notes in an obvious ( and oblivious) manner that is somewhat "off-putting". By now, he ought to know what he believes and have no trouble looking his audience in the eye when he speaks. Either the info is in his head ... or its still in his notes and not yet "assmiliated" in his brain.
Otherwise, he is getting some pretty good hits in on Obama. Pointing out any weaknesses and contradictions in Obama's speeches. Things should start to heat up again, after the upcoming August 01, Solar Eclipse.
As a side note: Cindy McCain (as our possibly potential 1st Lady) is starting to lay off the "grab your sunglasses" bright colors and has looked especially tailored, tasteful, and a bit more sophisticated of late.
UPDATE: 07-01-2008 - Obama's birth certificate may have been faked or photoshopped. It was apparently supplied to the Daily Kos from the campaign, but; lacks the embossed seal and the certificate number has been blacked out... among other discrepancies. Click Here for: Obama Central to see for yourself. Scroll down, its near the bottom.
It will be interesting as the "dueling birth certificate" issue plays out as it could come up at some crucial time. If ... there is anything being hidden. Rumors abound as to why the fake? What may or may not have been on the original that required such a subterfuge? McCain was born on a military base though in Panama. Obama was born (supposedly) in Hawaii. What if he were born in Kenya instead? Was there a name on the certificate that the campaign doesn't want revealed? If not, why not? Stay tuned!
UPDATE: 06-13-2008 - Obama's birth certificate time now known: (7:24 PM). All posted charts & results have to be re-done. Will post on each relevant page when new data is done.
UPDATE: 06-12-2008 - Ron Paul to end his candidacy tonight.
06-09-2008 - (1) Jeff Peckman plans to go to the DNC in Denver in August to formally ask Barack Obama to back his UFO public awarenss plan. (2) Obama, in Raleigh, North Carolina; said on Monday (June 9th) that he would impose a windfall profits tax on U.S. oil companies. He said he will make the oil companies like EXXON pay a tax on their windfall profits and use that money to play "Robin Hood" (my term) to help families pay for their energy costs and other bills.
UPDATE 06-07-2008 - Hillary DID NOT end her campaign. Once again, she suspended it. She DID concede the nomination to Obama and gave her support to his candidacy; but not her delegates. It is beleived that she needs to re-coup the $20 million her campaign is still in debt and wants to wait in case Obama runs into trouble enough that she can still step in if at all possible.
UPDATE 06-06-2008 - The Bilderberger Group is in WDC for a Big Meet ... and they are going to meet with both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. It will be interesting to see how they might be planning to "settle things". Clinton & Obama already had a "Surprise Meet" on Thursday in WDC ... maybe in preparation for their Bilderberg Meet?
UPDATE 06-05-2008 - Just Reported (Fox News) - Lawmakers in a conference call to Hillary told her to stop "weasel-wording" (my term) and "end it"; saying the Democratic Party now belongs to Obama and is no longer hers ... and to "let it go". Apparaently she continued to "hedge" her words and they didn't like that ... wanting a definite "yes or no" and a release of her delegates as well as an end to her ongoing fundraising.
UPDATE 06-03-2008 - At 5:00 PM EDT it was announced by the AP that Obama had the delegates to put him over the top. He is expected to declare Victory tonight at the Excel center at the Twin cities / Minneapolis-St. Paul ...(this is also where the Republican's will hold their convention.) Well, Obama has claimed the nomination....BUT Hillary has Not conceded it. Could get interesting.
UPDATE 06-03-2008 - Hillary tells NY law-makers (on a conference call) that she is open to being Obama's VP if it will help to win the White House for the Democrats. Now Obama has to say why not...balls in his court.
UPDATE 06-02-2008 - "Harriet Christian YouTube Rant" This Election is really getting Wild! The Democrats are getting upset about the way the primary is being run. The sense of things from many delegates and voters is that everything is being done "under the table", "behind closed doors", & the "Fix is in" for Obama.
Others are saying..."you're racist" unless you want Obama to win.
Harriet Christian said no one was told how to get to he DNC meeting in Washington and only a special few could get tickets to the Meetings that would decide the rules...and maybe the election. She is especially upset about 1/2 of Michigan's votes going to Obama when he voluntarily withdrew his name from the ballot.
There is "Fair" and there is "Justice" and there is "Choice"... they are not the same; but maybe they should be.
UPDATE 06-01-2008 - Oooh, Oooh, Oooh... "scuttlebutt abounds"! Here's what's out there:
- The Clinton camp has another "Bill is Behaving Badly-Bimbo Alert" to deal with as aides to Clinton have called out for "Intervention" according to Vanity Fair magazine. Complaints about Bill's behavior have run the gamut from who & what he hangs out with to his making sure he doesn't miss any opportunity to "caucus up close & personal" with as many young ladies as possible across America.
Why is this relevant? It is part of Senator Clinton's Baggage that husband Bill's behavior in the White House not only speaks to Senator Clinton's ability to "run her own house", much less the White House, is called into question... as well as her ethics... what is she willing to tolerate in order to ride First Husband's Bill's coattails to the Presidency? Click here on "Vanity Fair" for Article
- The Obama Camp may have some real trouble coming up. It has been a subject of much conjecture why Hillary is willing to spend her own money and persist against all odds, to "stay in the race". After her "Robert Kennedy" remark... rumors were rampant about just what she expected to happen.
Well, now it appears there is... at least for starters.... A Video Tape ... purported to show Michelle Obama calling Caucasian people "Whitey". There may be more, but so far that's all being leaked; but reporters are going nuts trying to get there hands on it.
- QUESTION: What does Hillary Clinton "Know or Have" that she is "saving up" for her case with the Super Delegates....or...a Convention Challenge? After all, she's been waiting for this opportunity all her life.
UPDATE 05-31-2008 - Comments from Obama in Aberdeen: Obama defends Trinity church and wants to spare Trinity Church scrutiny. If the sermons don't see the light of day....then nobody gets upset.
Aren't we asked to examine Medrasas to make sure there isn't hate speech being promulgated?
The Chicago Sun Times in 2004 quoted Obama on the subject of Father Pfleger: "He helps me keep my compass set".
Obama is concerned that his Pastors & Fathers can't speak without repercussions. Obama said he will not denounce Trinity Church, because it does not warrant denouncing.
Obama is handing Hillary her arguments to the Super Delegates on a Silver Platter. Sterling Silver.
UPDATE 05-31-2008 - The Dems have decided to give Florida & Michigan 1/2 their votes...."Whoopdee-doo".
Why the "Big Whuuup"? ... A lot of protesters came to Washington, DC... from all over the United States... to speak up on one subject: Democracy....one man, one vote. The Protestors said: "Count my vote now...or I'm not voting in November!"
If Electoral votes matter more than popular votes... (and legally they do in our country) then, what does it matter once a certain percentage is reached? Why shouldn't voters just stay home after a certain point?
Why do we have a Republic instead of a Populist or Plural Majority - Democracy? Is the Republic we do have being Represented as it was once supposed to be?
Is the Democratic Convention just a Coronation.....? What happened to the Democratic Process? Within a process, people can exchange thoughts & ideas and "hash things out". The Democrats thought, "Hey, let's use the caucuses to do that & make everything all nice and tidy at the end? Why? Why Not?
Only when everybody gets together...in the same place at the same time with everything (supposedly) on the table and in the light of day...can Subjectivity...gradually and begrudgingly give way to Objectivity.
Well, at least it will has a chance to. It's harder to control people when they can "Assemble"... (remember that "Right")...all those protesters from all around the country who came to "Assemble in Washington, DC" on behalf of Florida & Michigan....?
They remembered.
UPDATE 05-31-2008 - Obama & wife resign from Trinity Church (he's in Aberdeen, South Dakota) and wrote his letter yesterday...too little to late?...or...A sell-out? Hey, Obama...better to have weak enemies, than weak friends, wotcha think?
The heat was on after Father Pfleger's racist remarks and denigration of mocking of Hillary Clinton gave the concept of Jefferson's idea of freedom from religious persecution a whole new meaning.
"Father Pfleger Night at Trinity Church"... when combined with Obama's twenty year history with the both Trinity Church and Rev. Wright & Father Pfleger ( and their "buddy-buddy" with Louis Farrakhan)...gives a total "lie" to the idea of any sort of separation between Church & State. It also gives the appearance that racism is fine as long as its "personal".
Update 05-28-2008 - This upcoming Saturday is "Showdown & Throwdown" time for Democrats over the Florida & Michigan Voters. The Democratic Rules & By-laws Committee is set to hear Hillary's "Delegate Challenge" & Howard Dean has told them to expect to "Stay Late". The meeting is in Washington, D.C. UPDATE 04-30-2008 - Reno, NV - Ron Paul supporters took over the Republican state convention effecting a rule change that allowed for an open ballot, and; in response, state party officials cancelled the event without electing delegates to the national convention. Chairman Bob Beers said it was due to their contracted time to rent the Peppermill Resort Casino for their meeting had expired...the crowd booed. The vote to allow self-nominations doubled the number of people competing for the 31 delegate spots at the National Convention. Paul supporters will be able to vote all their delegates for Paul....dissenters feel this will be reflect poorly on the State. Ron Paul had come in 2ND at the Nevada Caucuses (Romney came in first - McCain placed third) .
UPDATE 04-25-2008 - o.k., we called it correctly for the Penn. Primary. That bodes well for having an accurate set of charts...at least so far.
OF NOTE: The Leader of HAMAS in the United States, has just endorsed Barack Obama on WABC, for all the world to see. He wants Obama to win and feels Obama is like Jack Kennedy.
Update 04-16-2008 : The Pennsylvania Primary is the next "testing ground" for the Democratic battle between Clinton & Obama : Recently, Obama has found himself in hot water over his comments regarding Pennsylvania voters & their penchant for "guns & religion" when under the stress of "bitterness"...."yada, yada, yada". NOT his finest "verbal hour". But, this puts Clinton closer to being "back in the game". At this point, many don't think Obama has much of a problem; others think he is Pennsylvania "toast"...but April 22nd will "tell the tale". But, chart-wise (if we have the correct chart for Clinton), Obama still looks stronger for Philadelphia & the State of Pennsylvania Democratic Primary for that week...but...though Hillary may be having problems...I think its going to be hers to lose.
Update 03-25-2008 : This is a totally new one...Mark Tomasik @ Scripps.com is reporting that...of all things...Al Gore may yet be dragged into this race. If the Clinton-Obama issue gets too "sticky to handle"...then to mediate around the fact that Obama won't take a back seat to Clinton & Clinton won't take a back seat to Obama....then...the solution could end up being either [according to U.S. Representative from Fla. & Super Delegate Tim Mahoney]
- Gore-Clinton
- Gore - Obama
I wonder if anyone as asked Clinton or Obama how they might feel about that? The convention is due to start on August 25th. Mahoney has been going to cocktail parties at Hillary's place in D.C. and Hillary has been calling Mahoney's daughter to talk to her about "horses"....uh, huh....O.K.....alrighty then.....and the beat goes on...
UPDATE 03-24-2008 : Governor of New Mexico, Bill Richardson "defects" to Obama....the Clintons not happy...after all the Governor watched the SuperBowl with "Bill"....surely that meant something?!? Carville calls Richardson a "Judas"...while Bill Clinton is in hot water for comments he made about Richardson...Bill Clinton's comments being referred to as "McCarthyism" by the Obama camp....and the Beat goes on....
At Second Glance 03-10-2008
- Things are really starting to get interesting. The Democrats are in an amazing state of "disarray"...having to re-think & re-organize & re-group. See Democratic Crises #1 & #2 "CLICK HERE"
- Mississippi is the next "player" primary, but; the Pennsylvania Primary [April 22] may be the next political hallmark....after that...the 313 delegates "up for grabs"...(maybe)...in Michigan & Florida. Any MI or FLA "do-overs" will have to be held by June 10th (ironically enough, Eliot Spitzer's birthday). After that, it will be more or less down to the Super Delegates...
Full Moon Lunation - Pennsylvania Primary |
Click to Enlarge Penn.Primary Chart: Updates Above for 4/16 & 4/25 |